- This paper presents the information in land use change in Yantai city according to the statistics data of land use change during the past 20 years of the reform discusses. 综合改革开放20多年来烟台市农村社会经济统计资料、土地概查、土地详查等资料结合实地调查研究揭示了该市土地利用的动态变化信息,分析了烟台市土地利用的数量变化和空间特征。
- Buol, S.W. "Soils"in Changes in Land Use and Land Cover: A Global Perspective. University[M] Press, Cambridge:213. 国家林业局荒漠化监测中心.;中国荒漠化监测技术研究[M];北京:中国林业出版社;2000
- The University of Sussex academic believes that one major cause is changes in land use, which have reduced the numbers of flowers. 苏赛克斯大学研究认为其中一个主要的原因就是在陆地使用方面的变化导致了花朵数量的减少。
- Leggett maintained that the changes in land use law were necessary to spur development along that portion of Colesville Road across from the AFI Silver Theater. 莱格特坚持认为,改变土地用途的法律是必要的,促进发展沿着这部分科尔斯维尔路对面的美国电影学会银剧院。
- Change in land use in Jinhua urban district and analysis of driving forces 金华市区域土地利用变化及其驱动力分析
- Anshan and Benxi were low,but Fushun high in land use intensity. 鞍山、抚顺和本溪3市土地利用程度变化综合指数分别为0.;82、4
- Temporal change in land use and its relationship to slope degree and soil type in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau of China 中国黄土高原小集水区中土地利用的时间变化及其与坡度和土壤类型的关系
- Design and Establishment of Temporal Changes in Land use Management System 时态土地利用变更管理系统的设计与建立
- The eco-environment in the study area is very vulnerable to the land use change, resulting in land desertification and loss of water and soil. 15年里景观破碎化程度加剧,分维数和多样性指数增加,优势度降低,景观异质性增强。
- Change in land use 土地利用变化
- Natural condition was the determinant factor of the difference in land use, whereas human activity and policy were the main driving factors of land use change. 自然条件的差异是土地利用变化差异的基础,人类社会经济活动和政策法规是土地利用变化的主要驱动力。
- The transformation of arable or habitable land to desert, as by a change in climate or destructive land use. 沙漠化由于气候的变化或对土地无限制地使用将可耕耘的或能居住的土地变成沙漠
- Meanwhile, the land use change in Wuxi municipali-ty has led to the obvious environment effect. 土地利用快速变化也导致明显环境效应。
- The transformation of arable or habitable land to desert,as by a change in climate or destructive land use. 沙漠化由于气候的变化或对土地无限制地使用将可耕耘的或能居住的土地变成沙漠
- Forecast of land use pattern change in Dongling District of Shenyang: an application of Markov process. 利用马尔柯夫过程预测东陵区土地利用格局的变化
- All their capital is locked up in land. 他们把全部资金都搁死在地产投资上了。
- He was hostile to any change in our plan. 他反对我们计划中的任何改变。
- "Such concepts were exported to the New World, where William Penn, in founding the city of Philadelphia, developed the standard gridiron plan-the laying out of streets and plots of land adaptable to rapid change in land use." 这种规画思想,流传到了美国。彭威廉设计的方格状街道规画,街道布局和划分的土地小块,能适应土地用途的迅速转变。
- There is an imperceptible change in temperature. 温度有细微的变化。
- We were amazed at/by the change in his appearance. 他的样子变得使我们大为惊讶。