- President Bush was angered when Chancellor Schroeder campaignedfor re-election by criticising US policy in Iraq. 先前,美国总统布什曾为,德国总理施罗德一直活跃与抨击美国对伊方针,而感到十分的恼火。
- President Bush was angered when Chancellor Schroeder campaigned for re-election by criticising US policy in Iraq. 先前,美国总统布什曾为,德国总理施罗德一直活跃与抨击美国对伊方针,而感到十分的恼火。
- Germany rs Chancellor Schroeder 德国总理施罗德
- Chancellor Schroeder 施罗德总理
- The chancellor is the most powerful man in the Austrian government. 首相是奥地利政府最有实权的人。
- In the budget the chancellor is bound to jack up the price of cigarettes. 在预算中,该大臣必然要提高香烟的价格。
- The most important judge in Britain is the Lord Chancellor. 英国最重要的法官是大法官。
- German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder drinks beer in Gelsenkirchen, western Germany July 14, 2004. 图为德国总理施罗德在痛饮啤酒。
- While the French leader often greets German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder with a hug, Blair just receives a handshake. 法国领导人经常用拥抱来问候德国总理施罗德,而和布莱尔,只是握手而已。
- He was England's worst Chancellor of the Exchequer. 他是英国最糟糕的财政大臣。
- Which two adjectives best describe Schroeder? 哪两个形容词最恰当地形容?
- Also present was Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, the first German leader ever to take part in the D-Day remembrance event. 德国总理格哈德·施罗德也做为德国历史上首位参加诺曼底登陆纪念活动的国家领导人出席了仪式。
- The financial Chancellor was true to his word. 财政大臣没有食言。
- Magistrate is responsible to the lord chancellor. 治安法官对大法官负责。
- The office or department of a chancellor. 大臣官署,大臣部门
- The rank or position of a chancellor. 大臣官职,大臣身份
- German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has led a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazis Buchenwald death camp. 德国总理格哈特-施罗德主持了纳粹布痕瓦尔德集中营解放60周年的纪念活动。
- The chancellor 's budget speech lasted two hours . 财政大臣的预算学说延续了两个小时。
- Magistrate be responsible to the lord chancellor . 治安法官对大法官负责。
- MPs waited for the chancellor's announcement. 议员们等待着财政大臣发布公告。