- Nino Cerruti opens the 'Cerruti 1881' boutique in Paris. His casual, yet elegant, men's wear has made him a well established name in fashion. 尼诺.;切瑞蒂在巴黎开设了'切瑞蒂1881'流行服饰小店。他这种即休闲又雅致的男装使他在时尚界享有盛名。
- Cerruti 1881 塞露迪
- K: He is Pablo Picasso, born in 1881, died in 1973. (他就是帕勃罗·毕加索,生于1881年,死于1973年。)
- He died in his sleep in September 1881. 1881年9月,他在睡梦中死去。
- The steam-powered trawler came next, in 1881. 这已是人们熟知的事情。
- In August of 1881, Nietzsche was in Sils Maria, Switzerland. 1881年8月,尼采在瑞士的锡尔斯玛丽娅。
- Tombstone is best known as the scene of the 1881 Gunfight at the O. 墓碑镇最为人所知的就是1881年在OK畜栏发生的枪战。
- President James A. Garfield was shot by a disappointed office seeker on July2,1881. 1881年7月2日,詹姆斯·A·加菲尔德总统被一个失望的谋求官职者枪击
- The use of wax to inhibit ozone deterioration probably goes back to 1881. 使用蜡来抑制臭氧劣化可追溯到1881年。
- By 1881, Prang was producing more than 5 million Christmas cards per year. 到了1881年,普朗每年生产的圣诞贺卡超过了5百万张。
- Maspero was Director General of the Antiquities Service from 1881 until 1914. 他是1881到1914年古物管理处的干事长。
- American administrator who did battlefield relief work during the Civil War and organized the American Red Cross(1881). 巴顿,克拉拉1821-1912美国行政官员,在国内战争时从事战地救济工作,并于1881年创办了美国红十字会
- Joseph Wharton founded the first collegiate business school in 1881 at the University of Pennsyivania in the United States. 1881年约瑟夫·沃顿在美国的宾夕法尼亚大学建立了第一所商学院。
- This rare species was first discovered in 1881 from Mount Gough and since then no record has been added. 本种为稀有种,于1881年在歌赋山首次发现,近一百年内无记录。
- Tombstone became a historic landmark as an example of a silver mining town, and it has important physical remains built after the 1881 gunfight. 墓碑镇是以一座当年盛产白银的典型小镇而成为一处历史地标的,而这个镇子还有一些重要的有形历史遗迹是1881年那场枪战后建成的。
- In February 1881,the Qing government recovered Ili,which had been forcibly occupied by Tsarist Russia for 11 years. 1881年2月,清政府收复被沙俄强行占领长达十一年之久的伊犁。
- Late in 1881 he moved to the Hague and established a relationship with a woman,Christine Hoornik,with whom he lived for a time. 1881年末,他移居海牙并与一名叫克里斯廷·胡尔尼克的女人同居了一段时间。
- The company deals in speciality fibres such as Cashmere, Alpaca and Mohair and is exporting knitwear from China to top brands around the world including Ralph Lauren, Cerruti, Miss Sixty and others. 公司专营天然珍贵纤维如羊绒,阿尔巴卡,马海毛原料贸易及深加工。在中国工厂生产羊绒针织产品对外出口。
- The Church of the Resurrection occupies the site where Czar Alexander 11was assassinated in 1881. 复活教会正好位于沙皇亚历山大二世在1881年被暗杀的地方。
- There are also Japanese gold and silver coins given to President Ulysses S. Grant in 1881. 以及1881年格兰特总统收到的日本金币和银币。