- Meanwhile, North Korea Central News Agency also released a short statement about the upcoming visit of a special envoy of President Kim Dae-jung. 与此同时,朝鲜中央通讯社当天也发表了简短声明,称金大中总统的特使将访问朝鲜。
- In 1947, General Chennault married Miss Chen Xiangmei, a reporter of Central News Agency. 1947年,陈纳德将军与中央社记者、中国名媛陈香梅小姐结为伉丽。
- But had not thought that actually has encountered Korean Central News Agency rare refuting. 但没想到,却遭到了朝鲜中央通讯社罕见的驳斥。
- As a graduating senior, he passed the test for the English Department of the Central News Agency (CNA). 读到大四时,考取中央通讯社英文部。
- The official Korean Central News Agency reports Wednesday that a foreign espionage agency coerced the North Koreans with money, sex and blackmail. 官方的朝中社星期叁报导,一个外国间谍机构利用金钱、美色和勒索威逼利诱了这些北韩人。
- The Associated Press quotes Korean Central News Agency as saying the missile successfully lofted its payload into orbit. 美联社引用朝鲜中央新闻社的报道,导弹成功地把其承载卫星送入了预定的轨道。
- Liu Chao-shiuan said Monday that his Cabinet also was resigning en masse, according to the semi-official Central News Agency. 台湾行政部门负责人刘兆玄于星期一在台北宣告辞职。
- Your Central News Agency's publication of the news item of July 6, which is disruptive of unity and insulting to the Communist Party, is also utterly wrong and impermissible. 中央社于七月六日发出破坏团结、侮辱共产党的消息,这是一种极端错误的言论,也是不能容许的。
- Kim made the remark as he watched one of his artillery units perform a live-fire exercise, said the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), which did not give a date or location. 金正日观看了一个炮兵部队的实弹演习,但朝鲜中央新闻社(朝中社) 但并没有给出准确的时间和地点。
- The Korean Central News Agency said Monday that the court found the two women guilty of committing an unspecified "grave crime" and illegally crossing into North Korea. 朝中社星期一报导说,法院判决两名美国女记者犯有未具体说明的“严重罪行”,以及非法进入北韩。
- North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency declared Friday "the nullification of all incumbent regulations and contracts regarding the Kaesong industrial complex. 南北韩之间激烈的争执也许会危及一度被赞扬为是双边和解象征的一个合资工业园区。
- The Central News Agency was the official Kuomintang news agency,the Sao Tang Pao was a paper run by military circles in the Kuomintang government,and the Hsin Min Pao was one of the mouthpieces of the national bourgeoisie. 中央社是国民党的中央通讯社。《扫荡报》是国民党政府军事系统的报纸。《新民报》是代表民族资产阶级的一种报纸。
- After Chiang Kai-shek issued his so-called New Year's Day message, Stuart told a correspondent of the Central News Agency that this was "what I myself have consistently worked for". 他在蒋介石发出所谓元旦文告以后,曾告中央社记者说,这是“我过去所一直亲自努力以求的东西”。
- The warning, published by the Korean Central News Agency, comes from an unnamed government analyst who accused the United States of increasing military pressure on the isolated Stalinist nation. 北。韩。朝中社引用一个没有透露姓名的北。韩。政府分析人士的警告。这名份析人士指责美国给予这个孤立的斯大林式国家越来越大的军事压力。
- The warning, published by the Korean Central News Agency, comes from an u amed government analyst who accused the United States of increasing military pre ure on the isolated Stalinist nation. 北韩朝中社引用一个没有透露姓名的北韩政府分析人士的警告。这名份析人士指责美国给予这个孤立的斯大林式国家越来越大的军事压力。
- In its latest commentary , the Korean Central News Agency described the drills as "a prelude to nuclear war", and warned that Pyongyang would be forced to further increase its nuclear deterrent force. 朝鲜新闻中心报道的最新一份声明中表示,朝鲜的军事演习是“核战的前奏”,声明警告说,平壤将要被迫加强本身的核武器力量。
- According to “Central News Agency” report, Liu Zhaoxuan, in finding Kuomintang “lawmaker” Cao Zhong inquired when Chen Yun comes to Taiwan Vian the work, makes the above expression. 据“中央社”报道,刘兆玄在答询国民党“立委”曹尔忠询问陈云来台维安工作时,做上述表示。
- Zhongxinwang on October 23 according to “Central News Agency” the report, relations across the Straits association President Chen Yunlin will visit Taiwan, the Vian question receives the attention. 中新网10月23日电据“中央社”报道,海峡两岸关系协会会长陈云林将访台,维安问题备受关注。
- I'm sure the new agency will be a great success. 我相信,新公司定能兴隆昌盛。
- the official Korean Central News Agency, KCNA 朝鲜官方的朝中社