- AI-La合金AI-La alloys
- A1-La合金Al-La alloys
- Ni-La合金Ni-La alloy
- La-Ce法La-Ce isotopes
- Ce-Fe合金Ce-Fe alloy
- CeCerium (Ⅳ )
- CE认证CE authentication
- 稀土金属混合而成的发火合金。a pyrophoric alloy made from a mixture of rare-earth metals.
- LaLanthanum (La)
- 稀土Cerare earth Ce
- 能在不同温度焊接的合金alloys that weld at different heats
- 掺Ladoping(additives)
- CE树脂CE resin
- 用黑色合金装饰或镶嵌To decorate or inlay with niello.
- LA码LA code
- Ce异常Ce anomalies
- 铸造有色合金cast non - ferrous alloy
- La-NbLa-Nb
- Ce掺杂Ce doping
- 铬或铬合金Chromium or a chromium alloy.