- Cause he needs more adoration. 一个人到底要拥有多少爱慕者呢?
- He needs more money to keep his wife and children. 他需要更多的钱来抚养妻子儿女。
- He needs more help with his reading. 他在阅读方面需要更多的帮助。
- The US commander there says if he needs more he will ask for more. 那儿的美军司令官说如果需要的话他将请求更多的部队。
- I know he's qualified, but i think he need more experiences. 我知道他是够条件的,但我觉得他需要更多的经验。
- He's busy. He's lighting the new set now. He needs more time to finish. 他很忙,他正在给新的背景装灯光设备,他还得一段时间才能干完。
- Steven: He's busy. He's lighting the new set now. He needs more time to finish. 史蒂文:他很忙;他正在给新的背景装灯光设备;他还得一段时间才能干完.
- And what he needs most of all is a word of ripe wisdom from you. 他最需要的就是您的一句充满智慧的话。
- The doctor said he needed more rest to cure his leucoma. 医生说他的眼睛患了白翳,要多休息。
- He needed more money than he was earning at his railroad job. 他需要的钱很多,连他在铁路上干活所挣的钱也不够。
- If he reads haltingly, one word at a time, without expression or meaning, he needs more practice. 如果他每读一个字就停顿并且面无表情或不明白意思,他就需要多加练习了。
- What he needed most was managerial talent. 他最需要的是管理人才。
- The trouble with Fred is that he's a big fish in a little pond. He needs more competition. 弗雷德的问题在于他是小庙里的一尊大佛。
- He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。
- During a drag, if a user decides that he needs more precise maneuvering, he can change the ratio of the mouse’s movement to the object’s movement on the screen. 在拖动期间,如果用户认为需要更精确的调整,可以改变鼠标移动与显示屏上对象移动的相对比值。
- The cause he leaves home is easy. 了解他离开家的原因是容易的。
- He's an army sergeant. he needs a loud voice. 他是个好军人。他需要有大嗓门。
- "The right-wing books say he needs to pull himself up by the bootstraps; the left-wing books say he needs more public funding." A mistake, understandable, but not forgivable. “左派的书籍说他需要勒紧裤腰带,右派的书籍说他需要公共资金的资助。
- As for the future of the Prut Rivers Is that he will give him more opportunity to exercise his race: "He needs more game time before they are able to make progress. 而对于普鲁特的未来,里弗斯更是表示自己会给他更多比赛的机会锻炼他:“他需要更多比赛的时间,然后才能取得进步。”
- World peace is the cause he works for. 世界和平是他为之奋斗的事业。