- Carmelo Robledo 罗夫莱多
- The heckler's name? Carmelo Anthony. 向主教练发飙的人?安东尼。
- The Nuggets are not trading Carmelo. 安德鲁斯说:“目前没有情况。
- Carmelo Anthony: He has been a major part of this team for so long. 卡梅隆安东尼:很久以来他都是这支队伍中主要的成员。
- Carmelo Anthony: Role, shoot the ball, take it to the rack. 安东尼:角色是,投球,取得胜利。
- "First time I've ever seen that happen," Carmelo Anthony said. 安东尼说:“这可是我第一次见到这样的事情发生。”
- Carmelo [ Anthony ] has been a handful for us every time we play [Denver]. 而每次和我们比赛的时候,安东尼总是让我们感到很棘手。”
- Carmelo Anthony led the Nuggets with 25 points and J.R. Smith added 24. 掘金的领袖卡梅隆安东尼拿下25分,J.;R史密斯则有24分。
- "Robert Horry hit the big three in the corner," Carmelo Anthony said. “罗伯特霍里最后在底角的三分球确实非常关键。”
- Yes, Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony and Dwyane Wade would also get serious consideration. 是的,科比,卡美龙安东尼和德文韦德也是重要候选。
- Iverson (31.2 ppg), however, would be in action without Carmelo Anthony (31.5 ppg) until at least Jan. 20. 艾佛森(场均31.;2分)和卡美龙安东尼(场均31
- Carmelo, arguably the best pure scorer in the game, has matured into a better all-around player. 卡美龙这个比赛中争议性的最佳纯得分手以及成长为更为全面的球员。
- Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony are great scorers, but they can also be “ball stoppers. 艾弗森和安东尼都是伟大的得分手,但是他们同时也是“球的终结者”。
- But, then again, how do you tell a Carmelo Anthony that he's going to come off the bench behind a Collison? 但是,那又怎样,他将告诉安东尼他将做克林森的替补?
- Carmelo Anthony when fully healthy is one of the best offensive players in the league. 当安东尼完全健康的时候,他就是联盟中进攻最为犀利的球员之一。
- There's no denying the brilliance of Allen Iverson and Carmelo Anthony, but do the Nuggets have the right chemistry? 图解:没有人质疑艾弗森和安东尼的天赋。但是掘金队拥有合适的化学反应吗?
- Carmelo Anthony, Denver: You get the sense Anthony is at a turning point in his career. 卡梅洛安东尼,丹佛掘金:你能感觉到甜瓜正处在职业生涯的转折点。
- I would rather just see him healthy and playing pissed off. Leave the fighting for Ron Artest and Carmelo Anthony. 我还是更愿意看到他打得不好但健康。架还是留着让阿泰和甜瓜去打吧。
- Ariza secured Gasol's tip but fell after pressure from Carmelo Anthony and coughed up the ball to Nene. 阿里扎抢到了加索尔的跳球,但是在安东尼的压力下把球丢掉,而球到了内内的手上。
- Carmelo Anthony led the Nuggets with 39 points and Chauncey Billups had 18 points and eight assists. 安东尼39的得分为掘金最高,比卢普斯也贡献了18分和8次助攻。