- Carly Patterson 卡莉-帕特森
- Patterson now wants Koko to conceive. 现在佩特森希望科科能怀孕。
- A case in point would be, Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP. 惠普公司原CEO卡莉-菲奥莉娜就是一个很好的例子。
- Theo: Carly, just let sleeping dogs lie. 西欧:卡莉,不要没事惹事好不好。
- Have this note sent to Urs. Patterson son. 把这条子送给派特逊夫人。
- Joe and Carly are walking in the school playground. 乔和卡尔莱在学校的操场上走着。
- Freeman Patterson Keep it simple. 保持简单。
- Theo: Carly, just let sleeping dogs lie. 西欧:卡莉,不要没事惹事好不好。
- Carly: Wow! It's so dark and stormy today. 卡莉:哇!今天外面好暗,而且风雨好大。
- Nothing to him falls carly or too late. 降临他头上的一切,既不太早、也不太迟。
- Carly:I don't think so. This is it. 卡莉:我不这么认为。就这样了吧。
- Years later Patterson still has the same bedtime routine. 直到今天,佩特森仍然保持着同样的就寝时间。
- Patterson said Aristide will come to Jamaica to see his children. 称阿里斯蒂德将前往牙买加看望他的孩子们。
- "We are all about pattern analysis," Patterson says. “我们都是约格局分析, ”帕特森说。
- Karen:They followed Mr. Patterson like lambs to the slaughter. 凯伦:他们跟在派特森先生后面,好像一群待宰羔羊。
- Steve Boswell will never forget Carly Beth's Halloween mask. 史蒂夫鲍斯韦尔将会汽车不再忘记贝丝的万圣节前夕面具。
- Alex Cross, Patterson's black lawman hero, has left the D. 美国在操控世界经济的过程中怎么玩弄阴谋手段?
- So he gets a mask from the same store where Carly Beth got hers. 因此他从相同的商店拿面具哪里汽车贝丝得到她的。
- Karen:I know. Mr. Patterson got even with him, though. 凯伦:我知道。不过,派特森先生也回了他一记。
- Patterson, W.Kenneth Blaylock / Patterson, James W.Blaylock, W. 书名与责任者项 : Dermatology : A Concise Textbook / by James W.