- Cargo Air Release Point 货物空中投掷点
- CARP Automatic Computed Air Release Point 自动算出空投点
- High Altitude Air Release Point 高空空中脱离点
- Compound type duplex air release va. 复合式双口排气阀。
- Please immediately evacuate out of the 500 meter range of the release point. 请立即疏散解除点500米范围内的人
- Incheon International Airport is an international passenger and cargo air hub, six are in Asia's busiest international airport. 仁川国际机场是国际客运及货运的航空枢纽,是亚洲第6位最繁忙的国际机场。
- None of my colleagues looked alarmed, so I trained my viewfinder on the release point. 我的同事们没有感到不安,所以我瞄准了相机镜头的拍摄点。
- The HAV Hot Water Vent is designed for automatic or manual air release on baseboards, convectors, radiators, and high points in piping systems. HAV热水排气阀专用于护壁板、对流式暖房器、散热器和管道系统的高点处自动或手动排放气体。
- Whether governor of a turbogenerator can work normally depends upon the performance of foam resistance and air release value of No. 对内燃机油生产中出现的抗泡性能问题 ,从形成机理、加剂配方、加剂工艺、油品调合等多方面进行分析与探讨。
- Inaddition,foam and air release properties are controlled by foam inhiitors and low temperature capability impurved by a flow improver . 另外,消泡剂可控制泡沫及空气的释放,而迴圈促进剂可提升维持低温的特性。
- A strong release is the envy of all bowlers.Nonetheless, a great release can be nullified if the release point is not in a strong leverage area. 强力释球是所有保龄球员梦寐以求的,如果释球点不在强力槓杆的位置,是无法获得强力释球的。
- Seller is obligated to realize order (deliver product to Seller disposition in release point) in 25days from signing of annex to this contract. 在此合同项下,在订单确认后25天内,卖方有责任执行订单生产(发送货物给买方)
- For now, said Kuo, he's hoping an ongoing rehab program restores arm strength so he can find that release point and regain his command. 小小郭说他现在希望以正在进行的复健计划来重拾手臂的力量从而他可以找到放球点及找回他的控球.
- EMTURB ST oils are based on highly refining base oils and special additives, providing excellent oxidation stability, intrusting, air release and demulsibility. EMTURB ST 以高度精炼基础油与高性能添加剂制成,具有优异的抗氧化性、防锈性、空气释放性与抗乳化性能。
- EMTURB GT oils are based on specifically refining base oil and additives, providing excellent thermal-oxidation stability, intrusting, air release and demulsibility. EMTURB GT以高度精炼基础油与添加剂制成,具有优异的抗热氧化性、防锈性、空气释放性与抗乳化性能。
- CCIP (Continuously Computed Impact Point) and CCRP (ContinuouslyComputed Release Point) are two main attack modes for delivering unguided weapons in traditional avionics systems. 传统炸弹的火控系统中主要采用连续计算命中点CCIP和连续计算投放点CCRP攻击方式。
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- Having managed to finally find the right release point, Kuo then struck out the side in the second and later fanned Luis Rivas leading off the third for his fifth straight strikeout. 在找到正确的放球点后;小小郭第二局三振掉面对的三名打者;第三局的首位打者也是以三振解决;取得第五个三振数.
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。