- Carefulness can go everywhere. 谨慎走遍天下,冒失寸步难行。
- Deactivate the attack flag so your troops can go everywhere. 取消攻击旗,这样你的部队就能到处走。
- He's my alter ego, we go everywhere together. 他是我的知己--彼此形影不离。
- I am thinking maybe we can go canoeing. 我在考虑也许我们可以去划独木舟。
- Letters with enough stamps can go by air. 信件贴够了邮票就可以寄予航空。
- As soon as I sew up this job, we can go home. 我一干完这件工作,就可以回家了。
- You can go to prison for dangerous driving. 鲁莽驾驶可导致入狱。
- Children learn to creep ere they can go. 孩子要走路,先得学爬行。
- In other words, none of us can go to the movie. 换句话说,我们都不能去看电影。
- We can go for a walk, if you feel so inclined. 你要是愿意的话,咱们去散散步吧。
- Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere! 喜欢这句话,让女人走遍天下!
- You can go up the staircase on the right. 你可以从右边楼梯上去。
- Traveller's checks go everywhere. 旅游支票各地通用。
- He's my alter ego we go everywhere together. 他是我的知己--彼此形影不离.
- Proper dental care can prevent tooth decay. 适当注意牙齿卫生可以防止龋齿。
- Too much care cannot be exercised in writing. 写作时愈小心愈好。
- Nobody can go in without a letter from Earth Commander. 没有地球司令的信谁也不能进去。
- Are you traveling to London as well? We can go together. 你也往伦敦方向去吗?咱们可以同行。
- It doesn't make a bit of difference. We can go fishing in the rain. 那没多大关系。我们可以在雨中垂钓。
- I am told this minibus can go jar on very little petrol. 我听说这种小客车能靠很少汽油开很多路。