- Cardiomonas caecan. 暖昧心形藻
- Carnivorous animals have a very small caecum. 食肉类动物的盲肠很
- Composed of caecum, colon and rectum. 由盲肠;结肠和直肠组成.
- In 12 cases of gastroenterography, 8 cases showed the atresic caecum. 12例胃肠造影中,显示肠闭锁盲端8例,盲端未显示4例。
- Digestive enzymes manufactured in six gastric glands (caeca) are secreted into the stomach to carry out this function. 六个胃腺(盲囊)制造的消化酶分泌到胃中执行这种功能。
- Often located diffusely in the region of the gall bladder, spleen, pyloric caeca and small intestine in fishes. 时常扩散地位于鱼的胆囊、脾脏,幽门垂与小肠区。
- The cardiac stomach has the most gastric pit and gastric gland while stomach caeca has the thickest wall. 胃分为贲门、胃盲囊和幽门,贲门胃小凹和胃腺最多,胃盲囊厚度最大;
- The stomach is divided to three parts which are cardiac stomach, stomach caeca and pyloric stomach. 食道粗短,内表面分布纵行粘膜褶;
- There is evidence that pigs, do have a limited capability for digesting cellulose with the bacterial flora of the large intestine and caecum. 事实表明:猪大肠和盲肠中的细菌确有一定的消化纤维素的能力。
- The alimentary canal consists of mouth, esophagus, crop, stomach, caecum, intestine and rectum. 长蛸消化道由口、食道、嗉囊、胃、胃盲囊、肠和直肠组成。
- GALTs were found in the small intestine, Meckel's diverticulum, caecum and in the terminal rectum. 结果表明,GALT分布在小肠、卵黄囊憩室、盲肠和直肠末端。
- There were lots of GALTs in the proximal caecum and scattered GALTs in the distal caecum and the terminal rectum. 盲肠近端可见大量GALT分布,盲肠远端和直肠末端可见散在GALT分布。
- A special immune organ was formed in the caecum blind-ending,and it changed greatly with age. 表明,非洲鸵鸟的盲肠盲端与盲肠前段有很大差别,在盲肠盲端形成一个特殊的免疫器官,并且随着年龄的增长发生很大变化。
- "Of course, " the doctor replies, "God gives you caecum, can take it for me namely!Can take it for me namely!! “当然,”医生回答道,“上帝给你盲肠,就是为了我能够把它拿出来呀!”
- He says: "Since god puts caecum,be here, that is the reason that has him certainly. 他说:“既然上帝把盲肠放在这里,那一定是有他的道理的。”
- Among the lymphoid sacculus, the round sacculus ev olves from the ileum, and the sheild-form lymphoid evolves from the caecum. 其中,圆小囊部是由回肠演化发育而来,盾形淋巴团是由盲肠演化发育而来。
- The results showed that the digestive tract in R. canadum was consisted of buccal-pharynx cavity, esophagus, stomach, pyloric caeca, foregut, midgut and hindgut. 结果显示,军曹鱼消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃、幽门盲囊、前肠、中肠和后肠几部分组成。
- Caecum bifidobacterium and Escherichia coil concentration and pH value were determined at 18 and 49 days of age respectively. 每周称重,统计耗料,并在18日龄和49日龄进行盲肠内容物厌氧菌群、好氧菌群数量及pH值测定。
- The result showed that caecum and colon E. coli concentration of IMO group was lower(P<0.05) than that of the control group. The caecum E. 试验结果表明 ;添加IMO组盲肠、结肠大肠杆菌浓度显著(P<0.;05)低于对照组;而乳酸杆菌浓度显著高于对照组和抗生素组(P<0
- The leves of AST, ALT, NH3, LPS in serum, the PH of caecum content, the swelling and action of MAO, GSH-ST, CAT in hepatic mitochondria were detected. 测定各组大鼠血清谷草转氨酶(AST)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、血氨(NH3)、内毒素(LPS)水平,肠内容物ph值,肝线粒体肿胀度及线粒体内单氨氧化酶(MAO)、谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GSH-ST)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力。