- Cardiac end diastolic volume 心舒张末期容量
- The percentage of left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV) occupied by stroke volume. 搏出量占心室舒张末期容量的百分比。
- The parameters were EDV(end diastolic volume), ESV(end systolic volume), EF(ejection fraction), PER(peak ejection rate) and PFR(peak filling rate). 检测指标:EDV(舒张末期容积)、ESV(收缩末期容积)、EF(射血分数)、PER(峰值排空率)、PFR(峰值充盈率)。
- MAwas measured by DTI and the end diastolic volume(EDV),the end systolic volume(ESV)and the left ejection fraction(EF)were examined with conventional echocardiography. 方法 :应用组织多普勒成像(DTI)技术测定38例陈旧心肌梗塞病人和30例正常人的 MA,用常规超声心动图测定左室舒张末容积(EDV)、收缩末容积(ESV)和射血分数(EF)。
- The cases were divided into two groups according to the left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular end diastolic volume calculated from radionuclide ventr... 结果梗死区扩展组的白细胞粘附程度明显高于无扩展组。
- Left ventricle end diastolic volume(EDV), end systolic volume(ESV), ejection fraction(EF), peak ejection rate(PER), peak rapid filling rate(PRFR) and peak atrium filling rate(PAFR) were also measured, PRFR PAFR were calculated. 采用声学定量技术测量左室舒张末容积(EDV)、左室收缩末容积(ESV)、左室射血分数(EF)、左室峰值排空率(PER)、左室峰值快速充盈率(PRFR)、左室峰值心房充盈率(PAFR)、左室峰值快速充盈率与左室峰值心房充盈率之比(PRFRPAFR)。 并以34例正常人为对照组。
- The correlation between rest gated SPECT and ERNA was: r =0.859 for left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ( P< 0.001), 0.914 for end diastolic volume (EDV) ( P <0.001) and 0.950 for end systolic volume (ESV) ( P <0.001). Reproducibility was excellent. QGSPECT全自动测量 36例受试者的静息左室射血分数 (LVEF)、舒张末期容积 (EDV)、收缩末期容积 (ESV)分别与静息门控心室显像计算结果显著正相关 (r分别为 0 .;85 9;0
- left ventricular end diastolic volume 左室舒张末期容积, 左心室舒张末期容量
- Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling of Mechanical Periodicity of End Diastolic Volume of Left Ventricle 左心室舒张末期容积周期变化的非线性动力学模拟
- Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling of Mechanical Periodicity of End Diastolic Volume of Left Ventricle under Baroreceptor Reflex Control 压力感受器反射作用下左心室舒张末期容积变化的非线性动力学
- Compared with group C, cardiac function class (New York heart association, NYHA), left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVED) became better in GH group. 与C组比较 ,GH组心功能分级 (NYHA) ,舒张末左室内径 (LVED)较治疗前有显著改善 ;
- global end diastolic volume 全心舒张末容量
- Methods The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ,end - diastolic volume (EDV) and end - systolic volume (ESV) in autologous rhythm were collected by the GSPECT before implantation of pacemaker ,and at follow-up (4.6-1. 5months) in 27 patients. 采用双探头门控单光子发射 计算机断层摄影系统(GSPECT)采集心肌显像资料;测定患者起搏器植入前及植入后随访时(随访期4.;6±1
- Observing the changes of maximal rate of the pressure increase and decrease(dp/dtmax),and left ventricular end diastolic press(LVEDP)of heart. 记录±dp/dtmax和LVEDP。
- Blood samples of BNP at 1,3,7,14 and 30 days were measurement and end diastolic dimension(EDD) and LVEF were performed at 1,7 and 30 days. 所有患者均测定入院后第1、3、7、14及30天全血BNP浓度及第1、7及30天EDD及LVEF。
- LV end-systolic (LVEDs) and end diastolic diameters (LVEDd) increased more in control group than in GM-CSF-treated group at 28 days after intervention. 与对照组相比。
- The investigation of global end - diastolic volume as an indicator of cardiac preload in hemorrhaged shock models of dog 全心舒张末容量作为判定心脏前负荷指标在犬失血性休克模型中的研究
- The hemodynamic parameters measured in the lesion locations included peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV), and resistance index (RI). 病灶局部所测血流动力学参数为收缩期峰值血流速度(PSV)、舒张末期血流速度(EDV)及阻力指数(RI)。
- The IMT,the rate of the soft and compound plaques and the end diastolic velocity were valuable indexes of carotid lesions related to cerebral infarction. 颈动脉IMT增厚、软斑和复合斑发生率高、舒张期血流速度降低对脑梗死的预测和防治可能有所助益。
- The results showed that the peak syxtolic flow velocity(PFV),end diastolic flow velocity(EDV),and mean flow velocity(MFV)increased significantly in comparison with control group. 结果显示,实验动物颅脑撞击伤后,收缩期血流峰值速度(PFV),舒张末期血流速度(EDV)和平均血流速度(MFV)3小时测值最大,到6小时又回落接近伤前水平。