- Athletes usually eat a high carbohydrate diet. 运动员通常吃高碳水化合物食物。
- Q5.A high protein,low carbohydrate diet is ideal for losing weight. 5.;高蛋白、低糖的饮食是理想的减肥方法。
- Nowadays, changeable consumer food behavior prone to a low carbohydrate diet. 当今,多变的食品消费行为更趋向于低碳水化合物食品。
- Bee Yong Joon made good use of the Low Carbohydrate diet method, which becomes very popular in the State. 裴勇俊式的低卡路里菜单,现在美国甚为流行。
- Half the patients were on a low-calorie, low-fat diet and half were on a low-calorie, low carbohydrate diet. 有一半的患者行低热量、低脂饮食,另外一半则进低热量、低碳水化合物饮食。
- Low carbohydrate diets are often designed for fast weight loss. 低碳水化合物经常用于快速减肥。
- Feeding high carbohydrate diet (HCD)to rats for 3 and 6 days, plasma TG were 2.43 and 2.9 times of the normal dietary rats, respectively (P<0.001). BG were also 80% and 39% higher than that of control group (P<0.01). 发现 ;饲高糖膳食 3天及 6天后 ;大鼠血浆甘油三酯分别是对照组分别的 2 .;43倍及 2
- The medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) ketogenic diet is a high MCT, low long chain triglycerides, low protein, and low carbohydrate diet for the treatment of children difficult to control convulsions. 中链三酸甘油酯生酮饮食是一种含有高中链三酸甘油酯、低长链脂肪、低蛋白质、及低碳水化合物之饮食,用于治疗孩童罹患难以控制痉挛。
- high carbohydrate diet containing leguminous fibre 含豆类纤维的高碳水化物膳食
- High protein high fat low carbohydrate diet 高蛋白质、高脂肪、低碳水化物饮食
- Most people who go on “low” carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit, not because such diets can't work, but because they consume insufficient calories. 许多人进行“低”碳水化合物饮食法时抱怨说精力不足而退出,这并不是因为这种方法不凑效,而是因为他们消耗不足的卡路里。
- 5.A high protein,low carbohydrate diet is ideal for losing weight. 5.;高蛋白、低糖的饮食是理想的减肥方法。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- The Atkins diet restricts carbohydrate intake. 阿金博士饮食法限制碳水化合物的吸收。
- You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动。
- The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?
- The normalwestern diet is too full of carbohydrate. 普通西方人的饮食中碳水化合物太多。
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- The doctor says I've got to go on a diet. 医生说我得节食。