- Capsule of body organ 身体器官囊
- Unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs to family memberseven to strangers. 人类中的无私行为涵盖了从与陌生人分享食物到为家庭成员,甚至是为陌生人捐献器官的各种作法。
- Opening by valves,as the capsule of a lily or iris. 瓣裂的由荚分开的,例如百合花或蝴蝶花的荚膜
- The King was fenced by a group of body guards. 国王由一群卫兵簇拥着保卫起来。
- Foot is an important movement of body organs, systemic were 206 bones, occupy 52 blocks feet, legs and 66 joints, muscles, more than 200 40, supporting the body ligament of the weight. 脚是全身重要的运动器官,全身共有206块骨头,双脚就占了52块,双脚还有66个关节,40条肌肉,200多条韧带,支撑着身体的整个重量。
- The outer layer of cells of the spore-containing capsule of a moss. 蒴周层藓类孢子囊的外层细胞
- Health of body and mind is my gospel. 保持身心健康是我的信条
- Greater than strength of body is strength of mind. 智力强于体力。
- Abnormal or excessive sensitivity of a body organ or part to a stimulus. 兴奋增盛身体某个器官或部分对刺激反常或过度的敏感
- I like a wine with plenty of body. 我喜欢浓郁的酒。
- The radiofrequncy cleared the capsule of cyst and hemostasia. 结果术后随访10例,无感染和血管神经损伤,疗效满意。
- She had that curious beauty of body. 她的体态长得美妙动人。
- Must be sound of body and of temperament. 必须拥有强健的身体和稳定的性格。
- Some parts of body feel stabbing pain or twinge. 身体某些部份感到刺痛或剧痛。
- A small opening or orifice, as in a body organ or passage. 小孔小口或小洞,如在人体器官或人体内的通道上的
- The seed-bearing capsule of certain plants, especially cotton and flax. 棉,亚麻等植物的圆荚、钻、蒴某些植物种子发育的蒴,尤指棉花和亚麻
- Loss of body fluid leading to hypovolaemia shock. 体液流失,导致低血量休克。
- A small opening or orifice,as in a body organ or passage. 小孔小口或小洞,如在人体器官或人体内的通道上的
- Be aware of body language yours and the candidates! 请注意肢体语言你的和申请者的!
- Application of body language in university P.E. 身体语言教学法在高校体育教学中的运用。