- Does Capsule Endoscopy have Diagnostic Value? 胶囊内镜术有诊断价值吗?
- Wireless capsule endoscope was propelled by gastrointestinal peristalsis, thus its locomotion was very slow and uncontrollable. 无线胶囊式肠道内窥镜是全被动的运动方式,存在运动速度慢和不可控的缺点。
- On the base of realization of the key technology of real time data transfers, we emphasize reducing the cost of capsule endoscope system. 在解决数据的实时传输这个关键技术的基础上,着重降低胶囊内窥镜系统的成本。
- This text developed a portable, low cost and simple capsule endoscope medical system, we hope to be redounding to the popularization of capsule endoscope and benefit the patients. 本系统从图像数据的实时传输入手,采用已经成熟的USB总线的同步传输技术完成胶囊内窥镜的高数据率实时图像传输,同时将图像直接存储在计算机中,省去了体外图像存储装置。
- At present capsule endoscope does not support real-time diagnosis for its inherently poor designment, and it is so expensive that only few people can afford it. 但是目前的胶囊内窥镜系统不仅检查费用昂贵,而且由于其设计的固有缺陷,目前的系统无法满足实时诊断的要求。
- Appleyard M,Glukhovsky A,Jacob H,et al.TRANSIT TIMES FOR THE CAPSULE ENDOSCOPE[J].Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2001,53:AB122. 张钧寿.;浅谈药物传输系统研究的几个热点[J]
- wireless capsule endoscope (WCE) 无线胶囊内窥镜
- Objective: To investigate clinical diagnostic value of capsule endoscopy in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. 目的:探讨胶囊内镜对不明原因消化道出血的诊断价值。
- Evaluation of postsurgical recurrence in Crohn's disease: a new indication for capsule endoscopy? 克罗恩病术后复发的评估:胶囊内镜检查的新适应证?
- Objective To explore the diagnostic and therapeutic values of the capsule endoscopy (CE) in Crohn's disease (CD). 目的探讨胶囊内镜在克罗恩病诊断与治疗中的价值。
- BACKGROUND: Esophageal capsule endoscopy (ECE) is a novel technique that offers noninvasive evaluation of esophageal pathology in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients. 背景:食管胶囊内镜(ECE)是治疗胃食管返流性疾病患者非侵袭性新技术。
- The researchers conclude that "capsule endoscopy is significantly superior to push enteroscopy for identifying a definite bleeding source. 研究者得出结论认为在诊断不明原因的胃肠出血上胶囊内窥镜显著优于推进式内窥镜。
- Compared with the alternate technique, capsule endoscopy missed lesions in 8% of patients, and push enteroscopy missed lesions in 26% of patients. 比较两者轮换的技术,胶囊内窥镜在8%25的患者中没有明确损害,而推进式内窥镜在26%25的患者中没有明确损害。
- The capsule endoscopy patients were 3.22 times more likely than the push enteroscopy patients to hae the bleeding site identified. 使用胶囊内窥镜患者是使用推进式内窥镜患者明确出血位置的3.;22倍。
- Abstract ABSTRACT:Objective To explore the diagnostic and therapeutic values of the capsule endoscopy (CE) in Crohn's disease (CD). 摘要 摘要:目的 探讨胶囊内镜在克罗恩病诊断与治疗中的价值。
- There are many methods for diagnosis such as small bowel enteroclysis, multislice CT enterolysis, MR enterolysis, capsule endoscopy and double balloon enteroscopy etc. 目前常用的诊断方法包括小肠钡灌、多层螺旋CT小肠造影、磁共振小肠造影、胶囊内镜、双气囊小肠镜、经小肠镜超声检查、小肠血管造影等。
- In this study, ideo capsule endoscopy was used to compare the small-bowel findings obsered in patients with HHT with those seen in patients without the condition. 在本研究中,比较影像胶囊内镜检查遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症患者和不伴有此病患者检查所见。
- Capsule endoscopy and enteroscopy not only are useful in diagnosis of small intestinal cavernous hemangioma pre-operation, but also has instruction value in-operation. 小肠镜和胶囊内镜的应用不仅可明显提高术前小肠血管瘤的诊断率,而且术中应用具有指导价值。
- BACKGROUND: Esophageal capsule endoscopy (ECE) is a noel technique that offers noninasie ealuation of esophageal pathology in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients. 背景:食管胶囊内镜(ECE)是治疗胃食管返流性疾病患者非侵袭性新技术。
- Although capsule endoscopy can provide an endoscopic image from the entire small intestine, neither biopsy nor endoscopic treatment can be performed with it. 虽然胶囊内窥镜检查能提供来自整个小肠的一幅内窥的图像,但是既不活检也不内窥的治疗可以被它执行。