- Experiments such as isothermal adsorption, different filled columns, VFW simulated columns planted with Cyperus alternifolius, VFW simulated pots planted with Canna Indica Linn. 在基质的物理性质中,容重和比重与磷的吸附量呈极显著负相关关系;
- Canna indica Linn. 美人蕉
- Removal Efficiencies of Septic Tank Effluent by Simulating Vertical - Flow Constructed Canna indica Linn Wetlands 垂直流美人蕉模拟人工湿地对化粪池出水的净化效果
- Study on the Removal Efficiencies of Salt Water by Canna Indica Linn in TEDA Landscape River 美人蕉对泰达高含盐再生水景观河道水体净化效果研究
- Keywords Canna indica Linn;TEDA;hydraulic retention time;salty;reuse water;purifying efficiencies; 关键词美人蕉;泰达;水力停留时间;高盐;再生水;净化效果;
- Keywords scirpus tabernaemontanii gmel;typha and canna indica linn;effects of purification quality;highly salty reuse water;TEDA Landscape River; 水葱;香蒲和美人蕉;水质净化效果;高盐再生水;泰达景观河道;
- Canna indica Linn 美人蕉
- Comparison of the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Canna indica L. And Canna glauca L. 美人蕉与花叶美人蕉光合特性比较研究。
- Study on Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Edible Yellow Pigment from Mangifer Indica Linn. 微波辅助法提取芒果食用黄色素的研究。
- Iris pseudoacorus and Typha angustata are better than others in the spring, while Canna indica L is the best in the summer. 通过横向比较,春季时黄菖蒲和香蒲的净化能力较强;夏季时美人蕉的净化能力较强。
- Phragmitas communis was the most below 15cm, followed by Typha latifolia, Vetiveria zizanioides and Canna indica, while the least was Pennisetum purpureum. 15cm以下则是芦苇最多;其次是香蒲、香根草、美人蕉;象草最少.
- Seven carabao mango cultivars or lines and Liuzhou lusong mango (Mangifera indica Linn) were examined with ISSR primers. 摘要用ISSR技术鉴定7个吕宋芒品种(系)和柳州吕宋芒。
- Canna indica L. [医] 美人蕉,昙华
- Karyotype Analysis of Canna indica 美人蕉核型研究
- Analysis of Nutritional Composition of Tamarindus indica Linn 酸角的营养成分分析
- Effect of Root Zone Water of Canna indica on Algae Growth 美人蕉种植根区水对藻类生长的影响
- Studies on the extraction and stability of red pigment from canna indica 美人蕉红色素的提取及稳定性研究
- Qantitative Determination of plumbagin in Dai medicind herb Plumbago indica Linn 傣药红花丹中白花丹醌的含量测定
- Key words: scirpus tabernaemontanii gmel; typha and canna indica lima; effects of purification quality; highly salty reuse water; TEDA Landscape River 作者简介:付春平(1975-),女,黑龙江肇州人,硕士,主要从事水污染和富营养化研究