- Calx Chlorinate Chlorinated Lime
- OBJECTIVE To optimize the synthesis of photosensitizer chlorin e_6 (1). 目的优化光敏剂二氢卟吩e_6(1)的合成工艺。
- He heated liquid mercury in air, and it turned into a red powder, known as the red calx of mercury. 他将液汞在空气中加热,然后它变成了一种红色粉末,即通常所说的红色水银烧渣。
- When the calx was further heated to a higher temperature it turned back into mercury. 当将烧渣继续加热到更高温度的时候,它又变回成水银。
- Intravenous urography, retrograde pyelography and computed tomography all showed a filling defect in the lower calx of left kidney. 在文献上使用过的名称包括纤维瘤、纤维表皮细胞瘤、纤维息肉、纤维表皮性息肉及缺陷瘤性息肉等。
- Everybody knows sodium encounters water to be able to produce severe reaction, release much heat at the same time, encounter water like calx same. 大家都知道钠遇水会发生剧烈反应,同时释放出大量的热,就像生石灰碰到水一样。
- They are widely applied in the industries of petrochmical engineering, smelt, pharmacy, chlorinate alkali, salt preparation, as well as electric chemical plant. 产品主要面向石油化工,冶炼,制药,氯碱,制盐等化学工业领域及电化行业。
- In 1775 lavoisier, on repeating Priestley’s experiment, noticed an additional phenomennon---that is, the mercury derived from the calx weighed less than the calx. 在1775年,拉瓦锡重复做了普里斯特利的实验。却发现了另外一个现象:就是水银衍生出比烧渣更轻的烧渣。
- To elaborate the causes losing efficacy of electrical dust precipitator of third calx - kiln and the appropriate measure of transform, to put forword some view to inquire. 阐述了3%23石灰窑电除尘器失效原因分析以及相应的整改措施.提出了一些探讨性的意见。
- Sodium hypochlorite, familiar as household bleach, is also used to bleach paper pulp and textiles, to chlorinate water, and in some medicines. 以作为家用漂白剂而为人熟知的次氯酸钠,也可用于漂白纸浆和纺织物,用于水的氯气处理,和某些医药用途。
- Monochloroacetic acid was prepared by using acetic anhydride or sulfur as catalysts to chlorinate acetic acid respectively. 对以醋酐为催化剂和以硫磺为催化剂的醋酸氯化合成氯乙酸的优劣进行了比较研究。
- In the recovery of copper and zinc, etc. from waste hydrochloric acid by zinc powder replacement, zinc chlorinate liquor is obtained. 研究了在废盐酸溶液中用锌粉置换回收铜、铅等金属得到的氯化锌溶液,采用两步调碱和磁场作用制备碱式碳酸锌。
- The drug, tin chlorin 6, is normally activated by light to produce toxic compounds that attack infections. 药品卟啉锡6,通常是光激活产生的抗击感染的有毒化合物。
- In basic condition the cyclopropyl-substituted chlorin 3 was converted into pyropheophorbide 4 by demethoxyformylation. 碱性条件下,所生成的3-环丙基取代的卟吩3脱甲氧甲酰基后转化成焦脱镁叶绿酸衍生物4。
- However, chlorin will interact with the organics remained in the water and form halohydrocarbon, chloroform and other cancer-causing toxic compounds. 但同时,氯与水中残留的有机物相互作用,会形成卤代烃、氯仿等有毒的致癌化合物。
- Investigators determine that the town's public utilities had failed to properly chlorinate the town's wells, allowing the deadly bacteria to flourish in the water supply. 调查人员认为该镇的公共事业单位未能妥当在镇上的水井里加氯消毒,导致致命病菌于供水系统中滋生。
- The transformation product of chlorin in sediment during diagenesis process was determined using HPLC and LC-MS-MS technique. 利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)、液相-双质谱联用(LC-MS-MS)技术研究沉积物中绿素及降解产物的种类及分布。
- The results showed that N, P, K fertilizers combined with calx and borax increased the percentage of fertile fruit and yield by 9.9% and 14.2%, respectively, and promoted the growth of new shoots. 试验初步表明;在N、P2O5、K2O 比例为1?0.;4?0
- When we do burning process, these mineral will be condensed to triple.Bamboo charcoal in water, adsorb chlorin also supply scant mineral. 在高温闷烧制成竹炭时,矿物质会被浓缩成三倍左右,在自来水中加入竹炭,可以吸附馀氯亦可补充日常生活中不足的矿物质。
- The nimble when protecting designs first campaign series to basically include black, white, calx, red and blue wait for color, alone color or the mixture color that mixture Cheng Ya sends. 保时捷设计首款运动系列主要包括黑色、白色、金属灰,红和蓝等色,单独的颜色或混合成雅致的混合颜色。