- Caixiashan Pb - Zn deposit 彩霞山铅锌矿床
- The Huanggoushan Pb Zn deposit,occurring in the dolomite marble of Mesoproterozoic Zhenzhumen formation,is obviously controlled by strata. 吉林荒沟山铅锌矿床赋存于中元古界老岭群珍珠门组白云石大理岩中,层控特征明显。
- Zongshuban Pb Zn deposit occurs in the eastern part of Chenxian where the EW trending Shanhe anticlinorium meets with the SN trending Xishan anticlinorium. 枞树板铅锌矿处于EW向山河复背斜和SN向西山复背斜复合部位。
- The Houjiangqiao Pb Zn deposit features multi source, multi stage in mineralization, which is mainly related to Devonian strata and hydrothermal activity. 后江桥铅锌矿具有多源、多阶段成矿特点,成矿主要与泥盆纪地层及热液作用有关。
- A comprehensive method of tectonic and sedimentation analysis is employed to study the geological setting of basin, tectonics and depth process in the Jinding superlarge Pb Zn deposit. 采用构造沉积综合分析的方法,研究了金顶超大型铅锌矿床成矿的盆地、构造和深部地质背景。
- Relatively,the corrosion rate of Zn deposit was higher in Jiangjin than that in other places. 通过数据处理可知,锌防护层在江津的腐蚀率最高,青岛其次,海南万宁次之,武汉腐蚀率最低。
- Keywords Thermoluminescence;Quartz;Calcite;Pb Zn deposit;Xitieshan; 热发光;石英;方解石;铅锌矿床;锡铁山;
- This paper introduces in detail the orebody feature,ore-controlling factors and metallogenesis of the Huangjinwa Zn deposit. 介绍了黄金洼锡矿矿体特征,分析了控矿因素,讨论了成矿作用,指出该矿床的形成是多种地质因素综合作用的结果。
- Diluted chromating solutions for Zn deposit are presented. Regeneration of the effluent by diaphragm electrolysis is suggested. 介绍了镀锌低铬钝化工艺,采用隔膜电解法再生钝化废液。
- Keywords Zongshuban Pb Zn deposit;postmagmatic hydrothermal origin;early Yanshanian era;ore shoot; 枞树板铅锌矿;岩浆热液矿床;燕山早期;富矿体;
- Keywords Jinding Pb Zn deposit;strike slip extension basin;synsedimentary fault;thrusting nappe;mineralization process; 金顶铅锌矿;走滑拉张盆地;同生断裂;逆冲推覆;成矿过程;
- Keywords Cu;Pb;Zn deposit;sphalerite;typomorphic characteristic;Jiangxi;Yinshan; 铜铅锌矿床;闪锌矿;标型特征;江西;银山;
- Suitble for Pb free glazes with Ti or Zn. 适合含钛、锌无铅釉。
- F can promote the emission of Pb,Cd,Zn and Cu. 氟会促进Pb,Cd,Zn和Cu的逸放。
- The geochemical characteristic of S and Pb isotope compositions of the ore minerals and wall rocks, and H and O isotope compositions of gangue rocks from the Caixiashan Pb-Zn deposit in Xinjiang are studied. 摘要对彩霞山铅锌矿床矿石矿物和围岩的硫、铅同位素及脉石矿物的氢、氧同位素地球化学特征进行了研究。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- This method is able to measure Mn,Cu,Pb,Zn,Co,Ni and P quickly. 该方法也可同时用于:Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Co、N i、P等杂质元素的快速测定。
- Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上。
- You may deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. 您可以将您的贵重物品放在旅馆的保险柜里。
- The Au deposit of West Java is situated in the Xijiaowan volcanite Au,Pb,Zn,Cu multimetallic metallogenetic zone. 西爪哇金矿位于印度尼西亚西角湾火山岩金、铅锌铜多金属成矿带,该区有众多金矿床(点)。