- Cable News Network (CNN) followed by McCain from the mouth of his senior aides have been similar comments, or even an aide accused Perrin is a "rogue. 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)随后从麦凯恩高级助手口中得到类似评论,一位助手甚至指责佩林是“无赖”。
- Cable News Network or CNN, for instance, has invested tremendous human and other resources over the years to extend its tentacles worldwide to bring real-time news from every part of the world to its viewers. 美国有线新闻网(cnn)多年来投入大量人力物力,触角遍及世界每个角落,力求把当地发生的新闻以最快速度报道给大众。
- Recently, American Cable News Network company (CNN) broadcast this picture: in Myanmar's previous capital Rangoon some people took to the streets to appeal to enjoy the rights of a greater democracy. 最近,美国有线电视新闻国际公司(CNN)播放了这样的画面:在缅甸前首都仰光,一些人走上街头,呼吁享有更大的民主。
- U.S. Cable News Network reported earlier in the day, the assailants boarded the vessel may be close to the target. 中英文对照:美国有线电视新闻网当天早些时候报道,袭击者可能搭乘船只靠近袭击目标。
- According to the report by ABC cable news network, the Ansar group exposed a man to ricin in a marketplace and then followed him home. The man died shortly afterwards. 根据ABC有线新闻电视网报导,安萨回教组织成员在市场对一名男人下蓖麻毒气,并尾随他回家,不久那人便死亡。
- According to the report by ABC cable news network, the Ansar group exposed a man to ricin in a marketplace and then followed him home.The man died shortly afterwards. 根据ABC有线新闻电视网报导,安萨回教组织成员在市场对一名男人下蓖麻毒气,并尾随他回家,不久那人便死亡。
- The cable news networks milked the Chandra Levy case for big ratings in July, and it paid off. 美国有线新闻网上月对白宫实习生利维失踪案进行大肆炒作,果然取得了丰厚的回报。
- Cable News Network, CNN 电缆电视新闻广播网
- Cable News Network [CNN] 美国有线新闻电视网
- CNN - Cable News Network 有线电视新闻网
- Cable News Network,CNN 电缆电视新闻广播网
- Yet cable news and the network morning shows especially are still ODing on MJ. 但有线新闻,特别是早间秀还在关注他。
- Add an Adapter on a new Network. 菜单创建网络。
- New Network Load Balancing cluster. 新建网络负载平衡群集。
- The no-frills site uses the slogan "Don't be too CNN", hitting back at the USbased news network after a commentator referred to the Chinese government as "goons and thugs". 这个朴实无华的网页使用了标语“不要太CNN”,在一个评论员将中国政府视为“暴徒和恶棍”之后回击了总部设在美国的新闻网络。
- These pieces run on local or network nightly news programs or cable news weekly programs. 这些片段在当地或者网络的夜间新闻栏目、有线电视每周新闻栏目中播出。
- Cable News Network 有线电视新闻网
- Technological advances in communications and transportation, combined with news networks like CNN, has truly turned the world into a global village. 通讯和交通方面的技术进步加上CNN之类的电视新闻网确实已将世界变成了地球村。
- Michael has evinced little interest in the new network so far. 目前为止,迈克尔还没表现出对于新网络有什么兴趣。
- MPLS is a new network technology mixing IP with ATM. MPLS(多协议标记交换)是一种IP与ATM相融合的新兴网络技术。