- CNC frame cold bend 型材数控冷弯
- Usually feasibility of cold bend and hot-forming o f plate for pressure vessel is tested by experiment in the article,it's described unitedly in theory and experiment. 压力容器板材冷热弯卷的可行性问题,过去一般通过纯实验来测定。
- The weldability and cold bending property are studied to HITEN780S QT steel and its applica-tion to the crane frame of QY50 automobile crane presented also. 主要阐述了HITEN780S调质高强钢在冷弯性能和焊接性的试验研究及其在QY50汽车起重机上的应用.
- QCWL series manipulator frame cold bender and SKJXS(JXS)series digital control (programme control)marine frame cold bender are the ideal facilities for the frame processing in marine industry. QCWL系列机械手肋骨冷弯机、SKJXS(JXS)系列数控(程控)船用肋骨冷弯机是船舶行业进行肋骨加工的理想化设备。
- QCWL series manipulator frame cold benderSKJXS(JXS)series digital control (programme control)marine frame cold bender are the ideal facilities for the frame processing in marine industry. QCWL系列机械手肋骨冷弯机、SKJXS(JXS)系列数控(程控)船用肋骨冷弯机是船舶行业进行肋骨加工的理想化设备。
- Because the poducing flow of tempcore deformed steel bors is not on control , the grain sturcture inside the steel core has change, so it's tenacity get bad and resulted in the cold bend failure. 穿水冷钢筋由于冷却工艺控制不当导致芯部组织异常,使钢筋韧性下降,发生弯曲断裂。
- The shear bending is a feasible technique to bend very small radius tubular goods,which is impossible in the process of common cold bending. 管材剪切弯曲能够实现普通冷弯方法不能达到的超小半径弯曲,是一项较为可行的技术。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The structure,cold bending fraction pattern and EXD of Q235 plate cold bending test sample of Shanghai Meishan Company are analyzed. 对梅山公司Q235冷弯不合格试样进行了金相组织、冷弯断口形貌及能谱分析。
- This paper put forward a semi-analytic semi-numeric method to analyze the cold bending of the hubcap. 该文提出一种半解析半数值的分析方法,对汽车轮辋挡圈的冷弯过程进行了分析。
- The main strument of reducing cold bending crack of Q235 is purifying the molten steel and lessening the inclusion. 消除铜板冷弯开裂的主要措施是提高钢水的纯净皮以减少其内部夹杂物。
- The mechanism of surface microcrack formation on container plate in cold bending tests was analysed. 对集装箱板冷弯时表面微裂纹的成因进行分析。
- Analyses Safety of Single Frame Cold Reversible Rolling Mill 单机架四辊式可逆冷轧机的安全性分析
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。
- Her slight frame was shaken by bouts of coughing. 她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而发颤。
- The painter stretched the canvas on a frame. 画家把油画布紧绷在画框上。
- The iron art products of company adopt method of cold bending and hot forging to depict perfect classicality, elegance and romance of iron art. 我公司的铁艺产品,采用冷弯、热锻等工艺手法,完美的刻画出铁艺的古典,优雅与浪漫。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- It is not easy to true up a frame. 做个标准的框架也不容易。