- His tastes are in harmony with mine. 他的爱好和我的相同。
- She came back bubbling over with new ideas. 她带着满脑子的新想法回来了。
- The library was enriched with new books. 购买新书使图书馆得到了充实。
- He soon found himself in harmony with his new co-workers. 他很快便发现自己与新同事能和睦相处。
- He covered the cushion with new material. 他给靠垫蒙上了新的料子。
- I strive automatically to bring the world into harmony with my own nature. 我机械地努力以使这世界跟自己的性情协调一致。
- A great book impregnates the mind with new ideas. 伟大的著作总是把新思想注入人心。
- He assailed his studies with new determination. 他以崭新的决心从事研究工作。
- They were piecing out the library with new books. 他们在添置新书以扩大图书馆的藏书量。
- This step is in harmony with our policy. 这一步骤与我们的策略是一致的。
- What we need here is some new blood with new ideas. 我们这儿所需要的是具有新观念的新成员。
- The racks were crowded with new clothes. 架子上挂满了新衣服。
- His ideas were in harmony with ours. 他的想法和我们的一致。
- The company certainly need some fresh blood with new ideas. 公司当然需要一些具有创见的新人。
- Need to be in harmony with US policy changes. 和美国政策变化协调。
- Introduction of one note of a new chord before the previous chord is resolved. 在前一个音未结束之前一个新的音符已奏出的音阶序曲。
- His ideas were no longer in harmony with ours. 他同我们的想法不再一致了。
- Even when confronted with new evidence to contrary, he stood fast and would not change his opinion. 即使面对完全相反的新证据,他仍然不屈服,不愿改变自己的观点。
- That building is in harmony with monder idea. 那栋建筑物和现代的理念一致。