- The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million. 这家公司的年营业额为7500万英镑。
- We aim for a quick turnover of stock in our stores. 我们的目的是要加速本百货店的库存周转。
- Personally, I consider the CEO a qualified leader. 我个人认为这位首席执行官是一个合格的领导。
- The shop have a turnover of500,000 dollar a week. 该店营业额为每周五十万元。
- The shop has a turnover of 500,000 dollars a week. 该店营业额为每周五十万元。
- They have a very high turnover of staff. 他们的职员更换很快。
- CEO turnover CEO更替
- I'd like you to meet Mr. Anderson, CEO of the company. 我想让你结识公司首席执行官安德森先生。
- Reducing overhead take priority over increasing turnover. 与增加营业额相比,应优先考虑降低间接费用。
- It is impossible to quantify the effect of the new legislation on our turnover. 以数字表示新立法对我们的营业额的影响是不可能的。
- So a CEO needs to have a fire in his gut. 因此,CEO的内心需要有一种火一样的热情。
- A case in point would be, Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP. 惠普公司原CEO卡莉-菲奥莉娜就是一个很好的例子。
- Why does your company have such a rapid turnover of staff? 贵公司人员变动为什么这么快?
- The man in the black suit must be their CEO. 穿黑西装的那位一定是他们的执行总裁。
- DaimlerChrysler said to oust CEO. 法官周二上午裁定佛州重计票期限。
- Our company hired the headhunter to find a new CEO. 我们得公司请猎头去找一个新得首席执行官.
- Youth Circle of Arts founder cum CEO. 青少年艺术坊创办人,总策划,总指挥官,专题讲师。
- Don't you think this annual turnover for a sole agent is rather conservative? 对独家代理来讲,这样一个年销售量您不觉得太保守了吗?
- B: They must be gossiping about our new CEO again. 她们肯定又在说我们的新任ceo的闲话了。
- Is CEO a Kind of Leader of Manager? 首席执行官(eo)领导者还是经理人?