- Answer these questions and send the answeres back to us by post or by fax. 回答这些问题并且以邮寄方式或者通过传真把答案回寄给我们。
- The duly completed ecified form of notice may be delivered by hand, sent by post or by fax to the RO. 填妥的委任通知指定表格,可由专人送递、邮递或图文传真方式送交选举主任。
- The notice of revocation of appointment for various types of agents may be delivered by hand, sent by post or by fax. 各类代理人的撤销委任通知均可以专人送递、邮递或图文传真方式发送。
- You can return it by fax or by post. 并把填妥的问卷传真或寄回本会。
- Please return the completed registration form to the Conference Secretariat by fax or by post on or before 2 June 2006. 请于2006年6月2日或之前把填妥的报名表格传真或邮寄至研讨会秘书处.
- Please return the completed form by fax at 3768 1818 or by post to G.P.O. Box 11339, Hong Kong. 請將填妥之表格傳真至37681818或寄回香港郵政總局信箱11339號收。
- By post or by fax 邮寄或传真
- Please send your completed enrolment form together with the appropriate course fee to the HKSI by fax, by post or in person before the closing date. 请将填妥的报名表格连同适当的课程学费,于课程截止报名日期前亲身、传真或邮寄致香港证券专业学会。
- Note: Application can be submitted either in person, by post, by fax ((852) 2714-9481) or by e-mail (sandpermit@cedd.gov.hk ). 一零一号土木工程拓展署大楼五楼)。
- Please send your instruction to us by post to GPO Box 11448, Hong Kong or by fax to (852) 2868 5013. Intermediary clients please send your instructions directly to your financial adviser. 請將指示郵寄至香港郵政總局信箱11448號,或傳真至(852)28685013。代理人客戶請直接向代理提交有關指示。
- Please order by letter or by fax. 请用书面或传真订购。
- Ok. Can you please send us your order by fax or by mail? 好的。请您把订单传真或邮寄过来好吗?
- Submission of the completed form can be made by post, by fax or in person to our office. 填妥的表格可以邮递,传真或亲自交回本局。
- Enrollment can be made in person or by post. 以上课程可亲临或邮寄报名。
- Applications for HKSAR passport may be submitted either by post or in person. 香港特别行政区护照的申请书可以用邮递方式或亲身递交。
- Could you please send us your order by fax or by mail? 请我把订单传真或邮寄过来好吗?
- They will be able to do drawings and send them by mail or by fax. 他们将能在家里制图并通过邮件和传真把图纸寄出去.
- Please submit this form to the HKSI office in person or by an authorized person during counter service hours. Applications by post, courier, email or fax will NOT be accepted. 請於學會接待處服務時間內親臨或授權他人到學會辦事處遞交此表格。以郵寄、速遞、電郵或傳真方式報名的申請恕不受理。
- Complaints can be filed electronically, by e-mail, by postal mail or by fax. 诉状能用电子数据提交,通过发电子邮件、普通邮件或传真。
- You may call our hotline, write to us by fax or by mail or send us e-mail. 你可致电本处热线、用传真或邮寄方式致函本处,或将电子邮件传送至本处。