- By degree the visitors went. 渐渐地,客人们全走了。
- The visitors went round the school. 访问者在学校里参观了一圈。
- While waiting for the meal to be ready, the visitors went outside for a walk. 等吃饭的时候,他们去外面走一走,给她时间煮饭。
- By degrees the throng dispersed; the carriages drove off. 人群渐渐地散光了;车辆也驶走了。
- Take the 922 flights to Beijing Jing He heard the radio after the visitors go on the 9th window check. 乘座922次航班前往北京的旅客何静听到广播以后请到9号窗口办理登机手续.
- By degrees the freshest among them began to cadaverous and saucer-eyed. 原先脸色顶鲜明的人,现在也都渐渐变得面无人色,两只眼睛也都显得眍 了。
- A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two-yard line. 主队在球门线前的坚强防御使客队无法在两码之内使球触地得分。
- By degrees the freshest among them began to grow cadaverous and saucer-eyed. 他们中间最有力气的人,也慢慢地变得面如土色,眼睛发黑了。
- By degrees the freshest among them began to cadaverous and saucer-eyed . 原先脸色顶鲜明的人,现在也都渐渐变得面无人色,两只眼睛也都显得眍了。
- These visitors went into the machines hall. 这些参观者进入了展览机器的大厅。
- Many distinguished visitors went round the school. 有许多贵宾前往该校参观。
- She asked that the visitor be brought before her. 她要求把访问者带到她的面前来
- We come to wear one cut of face and figure, and acquire by degrees the gentlest asinine expression. 我们都板着同样的面孔,摆着同样的架式,逐渐习得最有绅士风度而又愚蠢得像驴一样的表达方式。
- The visitor left a little before noon. 来访者在中午前一会儿离开了。
- By degrees the quality gave up going,and the fair,of course,became disreputable. 上流人渐渐不去那儿了,当然集市就变得破旧不堪了。
- She ushered the visitor into the room. 她把来访者引进屋子里。
- Our team overwhelmed the visitors by40 points. 我们队以40分彻底击败了来访者。
- The home team and the visitors tied. 地主队和客队赛成平局。
- A guide conducted the visitors round the museum. 导游带领游客参观博物馆。
- Curator conducted the visitors round the museum. 馆长领着游客们在博物馆中参观。