- Buy Sulfur Silane For Brazil 印度求购硫磺
- No Room for Brazil Egos at World Cup. 巴西想夺世界杯须彻底抛弃个人主义。
- This is costliest for Brazil in Latin America. 这是巴西在拉美(付出的)最昂贵的代价。
- "I don't think even Pele had that many for Brazil at 20. 我认为贝利在20岁时也还没为巴西出战这么多次.;”
- Kaka got on the scoresheet and Ronaldo scored twice for Brazil. 卡卡攻入一球,里瓦尔多梅开二度。
- Taro Mitamura sends word that Japanese kids reciprocate by heading for Brazil. 日本的三田村太郎则呼应说,日本小孩会跑到巴西。
- Fabio: We have a Portuguese grandfather but my dream is to play for Brazil. 法比奥:我们有一个葡萄牙教父,但我的梦想是为巴西踢球。
- Discipline rule added for brazilian leagues. 巴西联赛增加纪律规定。
- SEVILLE - Dida, Cafu and Kaka all played for Brazil in the 1-1 draw at Seville on Tuesday. 塞维利亚 - 迪达、卡福和卡卡都在周二巴西队1-1与塞维利亚队战平的比赛中出场。
- Juventus are in talks with Chelsea for Brazilian defender Alex. 尤文图斯正在和切尔西就巴西后卫阿莱士进行谈话.
- I buy him a drink in return for his help. 我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。
- We will buy some furniture for our new house. 我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。
- In the summer, Ronaldo was called-up as a substitute for Brazil in the Copa America in Uruguay. 夏季,罗纳尔多作为巴西队的一名候补队员加盟克巴美洲队,在乌拉圭进行比赛。
- In the summer,Ronaldo was called-up as a substitute for Brazil in the Copa America in Uruguay. 夏季,罗纳尔多作为巴西队的一名候补队员加盟克巴美洲队,在乌拉圭进行比赛。
- He was too poor to buy shoes for his family. 他太穷,无钱给家人买鞋穿。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- The size of the loans has ranged from ??5 million for Malawi to $303 million for Brazil. 货款的数额不等,对马拉维贷放了500万美元,对巴西则贷放了3.;03亿美元。
- We need armatures for Brazil market. Please quote us all the best price for all the Brazil model, such as DT G7S. 我们在寻找摩托车头盔;请有生产厂家提供最优报价给我们.
- "We have played together for Brazil for many years and that will continue," said the former Sao Paulo sensation. “在这几年中,我们在巴西国家队中一起出场,这个情况也会一直继续下去,”这位前圣保罗球星说。
- I buy some special fast film for my new camera. 我为新相机买了些特快胶卷。