- The butler is in charge of the wine cellar. 仆役长负责管理酒窖。
- Butler oscillator 巴特勒振荡器
- The butler gave the maid a dressing down for not cleaning the silver properly. 男管家因女仆没有把银皿擦洗干净而狠狠训斥了她一顿。
- Children are life renewing itself, Captain Butler. 孩子是生命的延续,巴特勒船长。
- Gatsby's butler was standing beside me. 盖茨比的管家仁立在我的身边。
- Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier. 内部反向振荡放大器的输出。
- Butler, deeply illiberal, exerted his rights. 巴特勒心胸狭窄,滥用了自己所拥有的权力。
- The meal was served by the butler. 有个男仆把饭菜端上来。
- His death was a severe shock to Mrs. Butler. 他的死对巴特勒夫人是个沉重的打击。
- The butler served him faithfully for 25 years. 这个男管家为他忠耿耿干了25年。
- Miss Melly done fainted way back, Captain Butler. 威尔克靳太太昏过去了,巴特勒船长。
- The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency. 振荡器在正确的频率附近搜寻。
- The butler was set free and the baker was hanged. 总管出狱,厨师被处绞刑。
- VFO? Variable Frequency Oscillator? 可变频率振荡器,变频振荡器?
- He was dissatisfied with Mr. Butler's career. 但是为了一年三万元却不值得。
- VSO? Voltage Sensitive Oscillator? 电压敏感型振荡器?
- Now all we need is a butler named Jeeves! 现在我们万事俱备,只欠一个好管家了!
- Purpose: FM/AM,RF amplifier, mixer, oscillator. 用途:用于调频、调幅、射频放大,混频、振荡。
- Oh, you waltz so well, Captain Butler. 唔,巴特勒船长,你的华尔兹跳得真棒。
- Resynthesis based on oscillator bank? , 555, 基于振荡器库的再合成?