- But this was empty glory. 但这些都是空虚的光荣。
- Sophia said that she understood but this was not the case. 索菲娅说她懂了,但事实并非如此。
- Rarely did she request help but this was a matter of urgency. 她很少求助於人,这事却是十分紧急。
- But this was no time to stand on ceremony. 但是现在不是讲客气的时候。
- But this was somewhat obscured by the ensuing fire. 但对随着地震发生的火灾却起着一些阻挡的作用。
- But this was a formidable concession. 但是,这已经是骇人听闻的让步了。
- But this was not even half the man. 但是,他所做的还不仅仅如此。
- But this was before Annie Sullivan came to stay. 但这是在安妮.;莎利文到来之前的情景
- The gravel cut his feet but this was the only unpleasantness. 沙砾把他的脚硌得生疼。但这是唯一的令人不快之处。
- He clapped up an excuse,but this was soon seen through. 他信口编造了一个借口,可是马上就被识破了。
- But this was the Kuomintang's last occasion to rejoice. 但这已是国民党人的最后一乐。
- It was a rape but this was not important to the Emir. 这是一次强奸,但是这点对于埃米尔来说不重要。
- He clapped up an excuse, but this was soon seen through. 他信口编造了一个借口, 可是马上就被识破了。
- But this was just the beginning of Odysseus' adventures. 但是这只是奥迪赛一连串冒险的开端。
- But this was different.This was a full-blown Ukrainian salo fest. 但是今天不一样,今天是乌克兰“萨烙”的盛宴。
- Every day I got older, but this was different, worse, quantifiable. 但今天变得更糟,更恶劣,更明显了。
- Sure, but this was nowhere near as tiring as wushu class. 当然要,但比起无聊的武术课,这真的不算什么。
- Buck had tried not to fight Spitz before, but this was too much. 此前,巴克一直尽力不与斯皮兹发生冲突。但现在这事儿实在太过分了。
- But this was a triumph in which the willpower of the state knew no scruples. 但是,在这次胜利中,政府的意志力并不意识到它酿下的恶果。
- The Duke stayed away for a week,but this was as long as he could manage. 公爵有一个星期没有露面,他也只能做到这个地步。