- But problems still exist. 但是问题仍然存在。
- Most of these problems still exist. 但大部分问题仍然存在。
- The government make great efforts to change it, and the situation of the farmers improve a lot, but some problems still exist. 我国政府为之做出了很大的努力,农民权益状况有了很大改善,但同时也还存在许多问题。
- But when it comes to the actualities of TESL in China, some problems still exist in English listening training practice. 那么,在中国这一特定的环境中如何有效地实施英语听力教学必然是英语教育工作者的重要关注点。
- Lately, new fertilizers have made important contributions to agricultural production in China, but technical problems still exist in their production, marketing and application. 摘要近年来,新型肥料为我国农业生产做出了重要贡献,但也存在生产、销售和使用上的技术问题。
- The United Nations senior coordinator for avian and human influenza told reporters Wednesday that progress has been made but problems still remain. 联合国禽流感人类流感问题的高级协调员戴维.纳巴洛星期叁对记者表示,目前取得了一些进展,但是问题仍然存在。
- In spite of the gains of the Civil Rights Movement, racial problems still exist. 虽然民权运动带来进步; 但是种族问题仍然存在.
- Some problems still exist in the establishment of the therapeutic standards with traditional Chinese medicine. 中医在诊疗标准的制定方面仍然存在许多缺陷。
- In the last decade, the marketization of sports in China made a big progress.However, problems still exist. 我国体育产业的市场化近十几年来虽然取得了很大的发展,但是还是存在许多问题。
- But some problems still exists in the iconology right protection, and related laws and regulations lag behind the realistic events in some extent. 因此,研究新闻侵害肖像权问题,探讨如何在新闻报道中避免新闻侵害肖像权具有较强的现实指导意义。
- The result suggests that the Deltamethrin residue in aquatic products is low as a whole,but some problems still exist in the freshwater shellfish. 结果表明,水产品中溴氰菊酯的残留总体处于较低水平,但在淡水贝类中存在一些问题。
- An entry-level technician replaces the 10 Mbps hub with 100 Mbps hub but the problem still exists. 一个基层技术人员除了问题之外仍然以100百万位元/秒毂代替10百万位元/秒毂存在。
- Just before opening training camp, Tracy McGrady had complained to the media his injured right knee problems still exist, but as time goes by, these worries have disappeared is. 就在训练营开营之前,麦蒂曾经向媒体抱怨自己的右膝伤势依然存在隐患,不过随着时间的推移,这些担心已经是烟消云散。
- RESULTS:Cephalothin,penicillin and azithromycin were widely used in our hospital and the using situation was reasonable at large,but some problems still existed. 结果:我院门诊所应用的抗菌药物以头孢菌素类、青霉素类、大环内酯类为主,总体上使用规范,但仍存在一些不合理现象。
- There are three points in detail: to unite judging and employing,to divide judging and employing,and to separate the two limitedly.But some problems still exist during the enforcing process. 在具体操作上呈现三种情况:评聘结合、评聘分开和评聘有限度地分开,但实施过程中也存在一些问题。
- I see what you mean, but problems really exist. 我知道你的意思,但问题还是存在的。
- Notable effects were obtained by the implementation of conversion of cropland to forest and grassland(CCFG)policy over the past 5 years,but some problems still exist in the policy. 退耕还林政策实施5年来成效明显,但还存在一些问题。国家放缓退耕还林进度,检讨政策不足十分必要。
- Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank Dennis Lockhart said that if problems still exist, in theory, the Fed can zero interest rate policy, but it may also consider the scope of the Federal Reserve. 而美联储一位官员上周五甚至表示,美联储仍拥有大量应对全球经济危机的工具,其中包括将基准利率水平下调至零在内。
- Though China’s trademark law protects unregistered trademarks better than other coutries’,. some problems still exist, e.g. some conceptions are not clearly delineated and the ... 我国商标法对未注册商标的保护虽处于世界领先水平,但还存在概念不明确,驰名商标认定程序不当等问题。
- Then it analyses the problems still existed in the construction in disciplinal culture. 评析了我国大学学科文化建设的现状及制约因素,在此基础上提出了当前情况下学科文化建设应遵循的原则,并着重探讨了改善和加强大学学科文化建设的有效策略。