- Bushen Jiedu Granule 补肾解毒颗粒
- Objectie To ealuate the effect and safety of Yinhua Jiedu Granule in treating wind-heat syndrome of upper respiratory infection and influenza. 目的评价银花解毒颗粒治疗上呼吸道感染及流行性感冒风热证的疗效与安全性。
- Objective: To explore the effects of Baogan Jiedu Granule on pathomorphology of hepatic tissues in acute liver injury mice induced by tripterygium glycosides. 摘要目的:观察保肝解毒颗粒对雷公藤多苷致急性肝损伤小鼠肝组织病理形态学的影响。
- Objective: To optimize the extraction process of Compound Bushen Granule. 目的:优选复方补肾颗粒的最佳提取工艺。
- FuGan JieDu Granule 复肝解毒冲剂
- Fuzheng Jiedu Granule 扶正解毒颗粒
- Quyu Jiedu Granule 祛瘀解毒颗粒
- Baogan Jiedu Granule 保肝解毒颗粒
- Produce of The New Plastic Granule. 生产新型塑料粒子项目。
- Crushing and finishing granule of mass material. 团块物料的粉碎、整粒。
- Sell Black salt (Lumps, Power, Granule. 出售黑盐(疙瘩、电力、冲剂).
- Dispensing granule of Iristectorum Maxim. 川射干颗粒
- Objective To observe the effect of Bushen Shengxue Granule(BSG)on extracellular matrix induced by co-cul- tured renal tubular endothelial cell and renal fibroblast,and to explore its mechanism. 目的观察补肾生血颗粒剂对肾小管上皮细胞和肾成纤维细胞共培养体系产生细胞外基质的影响,并探讨其机理。
- Objective: To optimize the extraction process of Bushen Tongbi Granuls. 摘要目的:优选补肾通痹颗粒提取工艺。
- Objective To evaluate the antiviral efficacy of Bushen Granule (BSG) combined with Marine Injection (MI) in treating patients with chronic hepatitis B of Gan-shen deficiency with Damp-Heat (GSD) syndrome type. 目的观察中药补肾冲剂联合苦参素治疗中医辨证为肝肾亏虚兼湿热型慢性乙型肝炎患者的临床抗病毒疗效。
- Anzhong jiedu granules 安中解毒颗粒
- Small in granule, quickly solidified no powder and less volatile. 颗粒小,固化快,极少挥发气体和产生粉尘。
- Yinqiao jiedu granules 银翘解毒颗粒
- Objective To compare the contents of berberine, palmatine, jatrorrhizine, baicalin and geniposide between traditional decoction and dispensing granule decoction of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction. 目的比较黄连解毒汤传统饮片汤剂与配方颗粒汤剂中盐酸小檗碱、马亭、根碱、芩苷和栀子苷的含量。
- ObjectiveTo study the effects of Bushen Ningxin recipe (BNR) on atherosclerosis in ovariectomized rabbits. 目的研究补肾宁心方对去卵巢兔动脉粥样硬化形成的影响。