- Bush TR 130型收音机(1962年)Bush TR 130 RADIO-1962
- 一种新的Bush型分形曲面及其维数A New Bush Type Fractal Surfaces and Their Dimensions
- Japanese yen (¥)日元
- 将右侧文本框的DataField属性设置为Surname,此列用于保存雇员的姓。Set the DataField property for the right-hand text box to Surname, which is the column holding the employee's last name.
- Japanese native cloth (刺绣用)日本土布
- 所以人们开始给自己造一个姓(last name)现在在英语里也叫做family name或surname。Sometimes in choosing a last name, a man would think about the kind of work he did.
- Japanese red (含硅氧的氢氧化铁)日本红
- “当地军事集团必须要允许我们的灾情评估小组进入到他们国土里面去,”Bush总统告诉记者们,而且表示他已经准备让美国的海军队伍有可能的参加搜寻和救援。The military junta must allow our disaster assessment teams into the country," Mr Bush told reporters, adding he was prepared to make US naval assets available for search and rescue.
- 今天是作文的日子,孙小姐进课堂就瞧见黑板上写着:“Beat down miss S. miss S. is Japanese enemyIt was composition day.When Miss Sun entered the classroom, she saw written on the board [in English]: "Beat down Miss S. Miss S. is Japanese enemy."
- 今天是作文的日子,孙小姐进课堂就瞧见黑板上写着:“Beat down miss S. miss S. is Japanese enemy.”It was composition day.When Miss Sun entered the classroom, she saw written on the board [in English]: "Beat down Miss S. Miss S. is Japanese enemy."
- 流行性乙型脑炎(Epidemic Encephalitis B)是由日本脑炎病毒(Japanese Encephalitis Virus, JEV)引起的中枢神经系统的急性传染病。Epidemic Encephalitis B, caused by Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV), is a kind of acute contagious disease of central nervous system.