- Burmannia pusillan. 香港水玉簪
- In this paper, two new records of the Characeae from China are reported. They are Nitella pusilla Imahori, collected from Zhejiang province and Chara leptosperma Braun, collected from Nei Menggu Autonomous region. 本文报道了我国轮藻科两种新记录:细小丽藻Nitella pusilla Imahori采自浙江及小雄轮藻Chara leptosperma Braun采自内蒙古。
- Trachelomonas megalacantha var. pusillan. 大棘囊裸藻微小变种
- Trachelomonas pusilla var. pusillan. 微小囊裸藻原变种
- Trachelomonas pusilla var. punctatan. 微小囊裸藻点纹变种
- Mastogloia pusilla var. subcapitatan. 微小胸隔藻亚头状变种
- Petalomonas phacoides var. pusillan. 扁状瓣胞藻小型变种
- ;D. peregrina Makino var. pusilla Mak. 驹草(日本) Dicentra pusilla et Zucc.
- Internal Anticancer Action of the Saponins from Ardisia Pusilla A.DC 九节龙皂甙体内的抗肿瘤作用
- A Chang in Status and a Correction of Orthographic Error for a Chinese Burmannia 中国水玉簪属中一个分类群的等级变动和拼写更正
- Burmannia championiin. 头花水玉簪
- Burmannia coelestisn. 三品一枝花
- Burmannia distichan. 水玉簪
- Burmannia itoanan. 纤草
- Burmannia oblongan. 裂萼水玉簪
- Burmannia wallichiin. 亭立
- Burmannia cryptopetalan. 透明水玉簪
- Burmannia nepalensisn. 宽翅水玉簪
- Burmannian. 水玉簪属
- azure burmannia root 地沙