- Burma padauk 大果紫檀
- A native or inhabitant of Burma. 缅甸人缅甸的当地人或居民
- A member of a robber gang in modern India and Burma. 印度强盗帮,缅甸强盗帮在现在的印度或缅甸的强盗帮成员
- Their trade in Burma was managed from Pulicat. 他们在缅甸的贸易受到普利卡特的支配。
- We of course wanted to recapture Burma. 我们当然想收复缅甸。
- The Japanese moved into Indonesia and Burma. 日本人进入了印度尼西亚和缅甸。
- The occupation of Shan State by the Burma Army. 促使仰光缅族政权破坏真正的缅甸联邦制.;进而占领并吞了掸国以及其他缅甸各邦
- Supernatural Burma Transparent Jade Bracelet! 缅甸透亮奇玉手镯!
- What language is speak in burma? 缅甸讲什么话?
- What language is spoken in Burma ? 缅甸讲什么话?
- They have vetoed action against Burma in the past. 这两个国家以前曾经针对制裁缅甸的议案行使过否决权。
- The stem is made out of a hard wood like padauk or ebony. 琴杆多用红木、乌木等质地坚硬的木料制作,
- BURMA: Between us, remember me always. (缅甸:??我之间,常记得我。
- Burma is northeast of Sri Lanka. 缅甸位于斯里兰卡的东北方。
- Furniture of padauk looks both noble and magnificent. 紫檀木家具看上去既高贵又豪华。
- The Sino-Tibetan language of Burma. 缅甸语缅甸的汉藏语系语言
- Kyat is a basic unit of currency in Burma. 缅元是缅甸的基本货币单位。
- Burma landed just behind North Korea. 缅甸的排名仅次于朝鲜。
- John J. Rambo: Burma's a warzone. 约翰?兰博:缅甸一个战区.
- When will the ship leave for Burma? 这艘船什么时候出发去缅甸?