- Bumper harvest gongs and drums 八、丰收锣鼓
- All the gongs and drums are beating. 金鼓齐鸣。
- The beating of gongs and drums resounded to the skies. 锣鼓声响彻云霄。
- The beatingof gongs and drums resounded to the skies. 锣鼓声响彻云霄。
- Dragon boats are paddled with a band beating gongs and drums. 锣鼓声中,千舟竞渡。
- My child's innocence melts into my grandparent's favouritism to you. In the sound of gongs and drums for celebrating rich harvest, you radiate ex-traordinary splendour of youth. 我的童真,融入爷爷奶奶对你的偏爱。在欢庆丰收的锣鼓声中,你绽放青春的异彩。
- At first Zhoushan Gong and Drum was performed for seafaring purposes. 舟山锣鼓最早是应用于航海。
- So people put up red couplets on their gates , set off firecrackers , and kept on beating gongs and drums . 于是人们在家门口贴红对联,放鞭炮,不停地敲锣打鼓。
- So people put up red couplets on their gates, set off firecrackers, and kept on beating gongs and drums. 于是人们在家门口贴红对联,放鞭炮,不停地敲锣打鼓。
- The streets were all decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the place reechoed with the sound of gongs and drums. 街头到处张灯结彩, 锣鼓喧天。
- The joy of gongs and drums just silence, the sound of discord spread on our ears. 欢乐的锣鼓刚刚沉寂,不和谐之音就传到了我们耳边。
- We overcame the natural disaster and got in a bumper harvest. 我们战胜了自然灾害并获得了丰收。
- Taiyuan, gongs and drums often play the introduction of competition, two points for confrontation. 太原锣鼓常常把竞争引入演奏,分两队对垒进行。
- The unprincipled person played gongs and drums has become each collection high tide nearly. 坏人闹场几乎成了每集的高潮。
- The bumper harvest of coffee last year is the cause of this year's weak market. 去年的咖啡大丰收是造成今年市场疲软的原因。
- Taiyuan is popular in Taiyuan, gongs and drums and gongs Jinzhong in the vicinity of a musical. 太原锣鼓是流行在太原和晋中一带的一种锣鼓音乐。
- Can be custom to celebrate the civil gongs and drums, Blair can enter temples and religious court set feast. 俗可以是民间的欢庆锣鼓,雅可以进入庙堂祭祀和宫廷宴集。
- This painting represents a scene of bumper harvest. 这幅画表现了一片丰收景象。
- Gongs and drums are popular in the awe-inspiring Huozhou, Hongtong, fenxi, Linfen area civil Plaza Art. 威风锣鼓是流行在霍州、洪洞、汾西、临汾一带的民间广场艺术。
- This year we have a bumper harvest in grain. 今年我们谷物丰收。