- Buddleja alatan. 翅枝醉鱼草
- Don) Sch.-Bip. [Erigeron alatum D.Don;Blumea alata (D. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Laggera alata (D.
- An elm tree(Ulmus alata) of the southeast United States,having twigs with winged,corky edges. 翅榆一种美国东南部榆树(翼枝长序榆榆属),具有有翼和软木质的小枝
- To identify a new adulterant of Buddleja officinalis and compare it with the Buddleja officinalis Maxim. 目的:对一种新发现的密蒙花混淆品进行调查鉴定,并与正品进行比较鉴别。
- Extraction and properties of the pigment of Buddleja Officinalis from Xishuangbanna were studied. 对西双版纳密蒙花进行色素提取和性能测试。
- Nepenthes alata Blanco is a tropical insectivorous plant with pitchers which can catches and digests insects. 摘要猪笼草为热带食虫植物,其叶先端中脉变形为捕虫袋,能捕获昆虫将之消化。
- An elm tree(Ulmus alata) of the southeast United States, having twigs with winged, corky edges. 翅榆一种美国东南部榆树(翼枝长序榆榆属),具有有翼和软木质的小枝
- Biophysical and biochemical indexes correlating with the browning of different parts of yams(Dioscorea alata L. 研究了薯蓣贮藏期间不同部位褐变相关的生理生化差异。
- Definition: Pale Butterflybush Flower is the dried flower bud and its inflorescence of Buddleja officinalis Maxim. (Fam.Loganiaceae). 本品为马钱科植物密蒙花 Buddleja officinalis Maxim.;的干燥花蕾及其花序。
- The essential oil from leaf of Laggera pterodonta shows differences with the essential oil from Laggera alata with higher contents of bicyclo hexane,4methylene(16. 从六棱菊臭灵丹和臭灵丹两种鲜叶中分别提取的精油分析表明,其成分和含量不同。
- Buddleja officinalis Maxim. 密蒙花
- Buddleja albiflora Hemsl. 巴东醉鱼草
- Laggera alata Schul.-Bip. 六棱菊
- Buddleja asiatica Lour. 七里香
- Laggera alata(Roxb.)Schul.-Bip. 六棱菊
- Buddleja davidii Franch. 大叶醉鱼草
- Genus Buddleja L. 醉鱼草
- Euonymus alata (Thunb.) Sieb. 鬼箭羽
- Dioscorea alata L. 大薯
- Cassia alata L. 对叶豆