- Mount Emei, located at Emeishan City, Sichuan Province, is a natural scenic mountain with Buddhism playing its part. 峨眉山位于四川省峨眉山市,是集自然风光与佛教文化为一体的山岳型风景名胜区。
- From the perspective of rhyme or reason,Buddhism plays a vital role in promoting ideology of mentalism in the Song and Ming dynasties. 宋明理学提出了一系列本体意义的范畴,并自觉地为儒家道德伦理寻找形上根据,这在一定程度上是受佛教本体论思维模式的影响。
- Buddhism plays an important part in and exerts great influence upon the formation and development of mentalism in the Song and Ming dynasties. 佛学在宋明理学的形成和发展过程中具有重要的影响和作用,这种影响与作用必须客观如实地界定。
- The play became a tremendous hit. 这出戏极为轰动。
- The concept of "enlightenment by wisdom" in Buddhism plays an active part in the development of rudimentary capitalism, as well as a pragmatic role in the secularized process of Buddhism. 佛教思想中的“方便权智”观念不但在佛教的世俗化过程中具有极其显著的现实功能,而且对资本主义萌芽期的发展也具有积极作用。
- The two boys decided to play truant and go fishing. 这两个男孩决定逃学去钓鱼。
- It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie. 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。
- She's a convinced Marxist, Buddhist, etc. 她是坚定的马克思主义者、 佛教徒等。
- The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。
- Although he's nearly fifty, he can still play tennis with the best. 尽管他已年近五十,可是他网球还是打得不比别人差。
- The play is notable for the pathos of its final scene. 该剧以最后一场的哀婉动人而著称。
- Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits. 有些和尚在僻静处隐居。
- Buddhist priests shave their heads. 和尚都剃光头。
- There is a Buddhist temple in this town. 在这个镇上有一座佛教寺庙。
- They will go to the zoo or play volleyball. 他们要去动物园或打排球。
- We will not play basketball tomorrow. 我们明天不打篮球。
- The love scenes in the play were a bit overdone. 剧中的情爱场面演得有点过火了。
- Shirley will try out for the lead in the play. 雪莉将参加该剧主角的选拔演出。
- Back in Nigeria we used to play a lot of tennis. 我们以前在尼日利亚经常打网球。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。