- Bryum Hedw. 真藓属
- Mosses similar to those of genus Bryum but larger. 一种似真藓属的苔藓,但比之大。
- Just like the last game when he blocked Bryum who fell on the floor and Yao stared down on him. I love it. 就像那天他盖了拜勒姆的冒,然后他摔倒地板上之后,姚明就恶狠狠的瞪了他一眼。我太喜欢了。
- In the region, there are six dominant families including Pottiaceae and Amblystegiaceae, and 11 dominant genera including Brachythecium and Bryum. 该地区的优势科为丛藓科、柳叶藓科等6科,优势属为真藓属、青藓属等11属。
- Rhodobryum roseum (Hedw) Limpr. 回心草
- A study on Bryum plant of Guizhou China 贵州真藓属植物分类及新纪录
- Study on the Characteristics of Protonema Development of Bryum uliginosum 垂蒴真藓原丝体发育特征的研究
- The Infection from Growth Base on the Survival Rate of Bryum Community 基质和遮阴对真藓群落栽培成活率的影响研究初报
- A new record species of Brachymenium and a new variety of the Bryum of Bryaceae from China 中国短月藓属植物一新记录种和真藓属一新记录变种
- Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) 小立碗藓
- Mniwn cuspidaum Hedw 尖叶提灯藓
- argenteum Hedw. 真藓 B.
- bryumn. 真藓属;n