- He also designed for the British Motor Corporation's Australian division. 他同时还为英国汽车公司的澳洲分部做过设计。
- The British Motor Corporation hired Alec Issigonis to design an economic car, at a time when bigness was all the rage. 在那个“拜大主义”风行的年代,英国汽车公司雇用伊斯哥尼斯设计一款经济型汽车。
- It gave its name to the British Leyland Motor Corporation formed when it merged with British Motor Holdings , later to become British Leyland after effectively becoming nationalised . 它使更名为英国利兰汽车公司合并时形成的英国汽车控股公司,后来成为英国利兰后有效地成为国有化。
- British Motors Corporation 英国电动机公司
- DC: Well, obviously second home Grand Prix and home of British motor sport! 大卫-库塔:无疑是我的第二次家乡赛,是英国赛车运动的家乡。
- By comparison,General Motors Corporation spent $4 billion in advertising in 1999. 相比之下,通用汽车公司1999年支出的广告费是40亿美元。
- By comparison, General Motors Corporation spent $4 billion in advertising in 1999. 再做一个比较: 通用汽车公司1999年支出的广告费是40亿美元。
- For almost 100 years, the Longbridge plant in Birmingham has been one of the largest manufacturing homes to quintessential British motors such as Austin and Morris. 100年来,伯明翰长桥工厂一直是英国著名汽车制造商如奥斯汀和莫里斯等最大的生产基地之一。
- The future of these two grand old badges will be shaped not in Coventry, cradle of the British motor industry, but in Pune, home of Tata Motors. 今后,这两个品牌古色古香的标志将不在考文垂这个英国汽车工业的摇篮成形,而是在浦那(塔塔汽车的总部)。
- Mitsubishi Motors Corporation clearly arranges China as one of the important markets in their business plan, and will take more active measure to carry out the operations. 三菱汽车公司在经营计划中,明确地将中国市场列为重点市场之一,将采取更加积极的措施开展各项业务。
- It can produce over 20 different modals of balance shafts with an annual production of 600,000 sets.. MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION is the mainly customer of us. 现拥有两条由数控专机组成的生产流水线,年生产能力60万件。
- British motor racing used to be a gentlemanly affair, just part of the sporting season. 在英国,赛车过去只是一项绅士的消遣,是运动时节的一部分。
- General Motors Corporation yesterday (June 1) morning made an application for bankruptcy protection, and then be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange trading. 通用汽车公司在昨天(6月1日)早间提出了破产保护申请,然后被纽约证交所交易摘牌。
- General Motors Corporation will be completed within 90 days, the reorganization plan, would like to take this scale into a leaner, more competitive car manufacturers. 通用汽车公司公司将在90天内完成重组计划,希望藉此转变为一家规模更精简、更有竞争力的汽车制造商。
- General Motors Corporation said that in terms of the contract, including investors Hummer vehicle for the future continue to invest heavily in the production of the project plan. 通用汽车公司表示,合同条款中,还包括投资者为悍马汽车将来的生产项目继续大力投资的计划。
- Grand Prix venue Donington's failure to secure a new racing licence by the British motor racing authority has led to races being cancelled. 第一段:国际汽车大奖赛举办赛道多宁顿未能通过英国赛车局对于安全赛道许可证的审核,这导致了数场比赛被取消。
- Jiangling Motors Corporation has headquarters in Nanchang, in Jiangxi province, and owns a 29.96% stake in the Ford Motor Company. 江铃汽车总部设在江西省南昌市;拥有福特公司29.;96%25的股份。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- In 2004, Hyundai Motor Corporation purchased the majority interest in the building, with Hines as its partner. 汉斯仍拥有部分股权并继续经营大厦的物业管理和租赁业务。