- British Marketing Association 英国市场营销协会
- The British market is flooded with cheap-jack goods. 劣质商品充斥英国市场。
- The falling dollar has made us more competitive in the British market. 美元汇率的下降将使我们的产品在英国的市场更有竞争力。
- Marketplace Chaplains expanded into Mexico and Puerto Rico this year, and has high hopes for the British market. 德州的牧师交流公司今年已经把业务拓展到了墨西哥和波多黎各,他们还对英国市场寄予很高的希望。
- The Web Marketing Association adjudicated over 500 sites from around the world for the 1999 WebAward competition. 1999年的网络奖项竞赛,全球超过500个站点经网络营销协会裁定。
- Marc Mancuso Bullet Ballet, Download Bullet Ballet, Morrie Cramer Bullet Ballet.Sudheesh British Market, British Market, Nisar British Market. Alfr閐 De閟y A Sz黵keruh醩 h鲽gy; Download A Sz黵keruh醩 h鲽gy movie; .
- Fujian Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Association Xiamen Sinoshow-Century Commercial Exhibition Co., LTD. 福建省水产加工流通协会厦门市中展世纪商务展览有限公司。
- The British market was targeted first, says Mike Clewer, who left his home near London to become managing director of the resort. 目标首先定在英国市场,MikeClewer说。他离开伦敦附近的家,来到这里担任该度假村的执行董事。
- By January 2006 more than half of all American households will own at least one digital camera, predicts the Photo Marketing Association (PMA. 摄影商业协会(PMA)预测说,到2006年1月,美国将有一半的家庭拥有至少一部数码相机。
- He regularly warns American firms eyeing the British market that overblown promises of true love are likely to repel rather than attract. 他时常警告美国公司要谨慎英国市场。泛滥的真爱诺言也许会吓坏英国人,而不会吸引他们。
- Cooper, R. G. &Kleinschmidt, E. J., New Product: the Key Factors in Success, American Marketing Association, 1990. 中文翻译:巫宗融,新产品完全开发手册-如何在新产品战争中胜出,远流出版事业股份有限公司,2000年
- Five leading food companies have introduced a labelling scheme for their products in the British market, in an attempt to assuage critics who say they encourage obesity. 五家业内领先的食品公司采取了一项方案,就是在其投入英国市场的食品上作出标注,力图堵住那些说他们鼓励肥胖的批评人士的嘴。
- The Boston-based Web Marketing Association awarded Artificial Life Outstanding Web Site for artificial-life. Com, the company's corporate site. 在波士顿网络营销协会授予Artificial Life的artificial-life.;com杰出网站奖。
- In the British market, the “winners” under this methodology outdid the worst performers by more than ten percentage points a year over the past 108 years. 在过去108年里,在英国股市中,这种方式下的“胜者”比那些最差的股票要给出超过10%25的回报。
- PAC Machinery Group (PMG) announces Tina Barni as the new marketing associate. 爱国者机械集团(和平监测小组)宣布蒂娜巴尔尼作为新的销售助理。
- Fie leading food companies hae introduced a labelling scheme for their products in the British market, in an attempt to assuage critics who say they encourage obesity. 五家业内领先的食品公司采取了一项方案,就是在其投入英国市场的食品上作出标注,力图堵住那些说他们鼓励肥胖的批评人士的嘴。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- In a recent case study the Produce Marketing Association [PMA] tested the standard using the global trade item number [GTIN] along the supply chain. 在最近的一个案例研究农产品营销协会[积极心态]测试使用的标准的全球贸易项目编号[ GTIN ]沿供应链。
- Now China's entry and exit inspection and quarantine of animals and plants Association Working Committee Member, Bazhou Korla Pear Marketing Association Member units. 现为中国出入境检验检疫协会动植物工作委员会会员,巴州库尔勒香梨销售协会会员单位。
- Britain had traditional economic ties with the southern part of the United States that provided cotton to British markets. 过去是美国南方为英国市场提供棉花,英国与之有着紧密的传统经济联系。