- British General Hospital 英军总医院
- B: Talbot is a British general’s name. B:大宝是一个英国将军的名字。
- It is a general hospital for that district. 这是那个区的综合医院。
- San fran CISCO general hospital. 这里是旧金山总医院。
- Thi is San Francisco general hospital. 这里是SanFrancisco总医院。
- The committee passed a resolution to build a general hospital. 委员会通过了兴建综合医院的决议案。
- Foreign affairs are not often an important factor in British general elections. 外交事务在英国大选中往往并不是一项非常有影响力的领域。
- This is a general hospital with various departments. 这是家综合医院,有各种科室。
- British general who conquered(1843) and governed(1843-1847) Sind in present-day Pakistan. 纳皮尔,约翰1550-1617苏格兰数学家,他发明了对数并推广了小数点在记数中的用法
- Whatever one may think of him,he is undoubtedly the most famous British general since Wellington. 但不论人们对他有什么看法,他无疑是威灵顿以后最著名的英国将军。
- Discussion on the Incentive Salary Scheme in General Hospital. 综合性医院激励性薪酬方案探讨。
- I thought this was the right bus to the General Hospital. 我还以为这辆车能到综合医院呢。
- The Nazi mayor of Hamburg surrendered to him,believing him to be a British general. 汉堡市的纳粹市长曾误以为他是英国将军而向他投降。
- The picture shows the Angola Luanda General Hospital. 图为中国援建的安哥拉罗安达总医院。
- He woke up five days later in Mansfield General Hospital. 五天以后,他在曼斯菲尔德综合医院醒来。
- The nurses are treating me well at Toronto General Hospital . 成功地进行了休息,但不是在最佳的场所。
- British General had sent some of his men off to fight for their country in the Falkland Island Crisis. 一位英国将军将他的一些部下派往前线为他们的祖国而战,以解决马岛危机。
- So Euro-elections will never have the drama of British general elections, notes Richard Corbett, a Labour MEP. 因此,欧共体的选举里永远不会出现英国大选中戏剧性的效果,工党议员RichardCorbett如是说。
- The research was led by Dr. Hans C.Breiter of Massachusetts General Hospital. 实验由来自马萨诸塞总医院汉斯-布莱特博士牵头进行。
- In 1892, the Liberals under William Gladstone won the British general election by two seats over Lord Salisbury's Conservatives. 一八九二年,威廉.格莱斯顿领导英国自由党参与大选,以两席之差击败索尔兹伯里勋爵率领的保守党。