- British Calibration Service 英国标准化局
- Our calibration service is based upon the rules and methods that are laid down in DIN EN ISO IEC 17025. 我们校准服务基于DIN EN ISO IEC 17025中的规则和方法。
- FOXY-CAL Probe calibration service available to buyers of FOXY systems having temperature-compensation accessories; users must specify the temperature and the concentration range of their applications. 对购买带温度补偿附件的买家的探测器校准服务;使用者必须指明他们使用的温度和浓度范围。
- SIMCO Scientific Instrument Repair and Calibration Services Co., Ltd. 西高科学仪器维修校准服务有限公司。
- The Standards and Calibration Laboratory holds the official reference standards of measurement for Hong Kong and provides calibration services in various measurement areas. 标准及校正实验所负责保存香港的各项正式计量基准,并提供多类测量校正服务。
- When a qualified laboratory is not available for a given piece of equipment, calibration services may be performed by the equipment manufacturer. 在无合格的实验室情况下;对于有些设备校准服务;由设备制造者承担.
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- Purchased products above include all products and services that affect customer requirements such as subassembly, sequencing, sorting, rework and calibration services. 以上采购的产品,包括所有影响顾客要求的产品和服务,如子装配、排列分类、返工和校准服务。
- Purchased products above includes all products and services that affect customer requirements such as sub? Assembly, sequencing, sorting, rework and calibration services. 上述采购的产品包括所有影响顾客要求的所有产品和服务,例如:子装配、排序、分类、返工和校准服务。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- NOTE 1 Purchased products above includes all products and services that affect customer requirements such as sub?assembly, sequencing, sorting, rework and calibration services. 注1上述采购的产品包括所有影响顾客要求的所有产品和服务,例如:子装配、排序、分类、返工和校准服务。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- NOTE 1 Purchased products above include all products and services that affect customer requirements such as sub assembly, sequencing, sorting, rework and calibration services. 注1:上述采购产品包括所有影响顾客要求的产品和服务,如子装配、排序、挑选、返工和校准服务。
- This country used to be a British colony in Asia. 这个国家曾是英国在亚洲的殖民地。
- The Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL) holds the official reference standards of physical measurement for Hong Kong and provides calibration services in various areas traceable to the International System of Units of Measurements (SI). 标准及校正实验所除了保存香港官方的物理测量参考标准外,亦就不同范畴提供可溯源至国际单位制的校正服务。
- The British line was forced back a short distance. 英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。
- Wales is in the southwest of the British Island. 威尔士在大不列颠岛的西南部。
- The original picture is in the British Museum. 这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。
- Our major lines of products and services are Cleanroom garments, Workstation accessories, Packaging materials, ESD measurement equipments, Calibration services and Training on ESD-related topics. 我们主要的产品和服务包括洁净室服装,防静电耗材,包装材料,ESD测试仪器,仪器校准和ESD的相关培训。
- British hopes of a medal rested on Ovett. 英国把获得奖牌的希望寄托在奥维特的身上。