- Bright sheeny and keep wet 亮泽保湿
- It makes up of Eliminate black eyelid essential oil ,whiten and keep wet essential oil, clean stain essential oil, rose Floral water, rose bath-salt. 本套装由祛黑眼圈眼部调理精油、美白保湿调理精油、黑斑净化调理精油、玫瑰花卉露、玫瑰泡浴盐组成。
- It wear well and keep its shape. 这耐穿而且挺括不走样。
- She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling. 她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容。
- Follow that man and keep him in sight all the time. 要跟著那个人,一直盯著他。
- Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 农民种谷养牛。
- Before concrete pouring, anchor bolts, equipment foundation and liner plates shall all be cleaned up to remove any oil stains or free rusts.The base face shall be washed out with water and kept wet. 混凝土浇筑前,对地脚螺栓、设备底座和垫板的油污浮锈予以清除,并将基础面用水冲洗干净并保持湿润。
- The old couple is cold-blooded and keep their house terribly hot. 那对老夫妇很怕冷,所以把房间烧得热得要命。
- Here is a pound note; pay the bill and keep the odd money. 这是一张一英镑的钞票。付账后多下来的零钱你留着好了。
- An artist should be fit for the best society and keep out of it. 艺术家应该适合最高阶层社会而又应置身于其外。
- Can choose special spats frost or you dote on keep wet skin white. 可选用专用护脚霜或者你钟爱的保湿润肤霜。
- We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast. 我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃。
- Just try and keep things ticking over while I'm away. 在我离开的期间,尽量使事情照常进行。
- He works hard and keeps regular hours. 他工作努力,生活很有规律。
- If your bright skin water has the effect of contractive pore, also suggest you are used after paper face film (can be to keep wet noodle film only, nutrition kind another is brushed waste) . 如果您的爽肤水有收缩毛孔的功效,也建议您在纸面膜之后使用(只能是保湿面膜,营养类的再一擦就白费啦)。
- He swallowed the insults and kept on working. 他忍受侮辱继续努力。
- She compressed her lips and kept silent. 她紧闭嘴唇,一声不吭。
- Stick on the opener as it used be after take out the wipes, to keep wet. 使用说明:取出湿巾后请将易拉贴照原样贴上,以保持湿度。
- The boy-servant knew his place and kept silent. 男仆很知趣,一声不吭。
- Close the windows and keep out the cold air. 关上窗户不让冷空气进来。