- Use it as the blade of double spindle agitator of brick manufacture,the service life is 5 times ihan that of hardened 45# steel. 在制砖机双轴搅拌器的叶片上实际运用考核中,比原45%23钢淬火件提高寿命5倍之多。
- According to proportion, non-burned hollow block brick manufacture machine mixes thick sand, gravel, silver sand, silver stone and cement. 摘要免烧砌块成型机利用粗沙、碎石、细沙、石粉、水泥、按照一定比例的混合。
- The shoe manufacturer had several outlets. 那家制鞋厂商有几家代销店。
- As I was waiting for a bus a brick fell on my head. 当我在等公共汽车时,一块砖头落到了我的头上。
- Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。
- His new house was built by himself, brick by brick. 他的新房子是他自己一块砖一块砖砌起来的。
- Send these faulty goods back to the manufacturer. 把这些次货退还给厂家。
- The house was built of white brick. 那房子是用白砖盖的。
- Where is the manufacturer of the machine? 这台机器的制造商在哪?
- The house is red brick without a covering of stucco. 那房子是红砖砌的,没有用灰泥粉刷。
- He had a brick thrown at him at that meeting. 那次集会时,他的头部被一块砖头击中。
- I bought a brick of ice cream for my daughter. 我给女儿买了块冰砖。
- He bought a brick of cheese and a bottle of wine. 他买了一块乳酪和一瓶葡萄酒。
- The front of the brick house was faced with cement. 这栋砖房的正面抹了一层水泥。
- The brick houses are roofed in red tiles. 这些砖房的屋顶是用红瓦盖的。
- A sun-dried, unburned brick of clay and straw. 风干土坯风干且未烧过的粘土与稻草做成的砖
- They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer. 他们直接从厂商那里购买了这台机器。
- The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate. 制造厂商的名称在盘子背面。
- He is like a cat on hot brick before his driving test. 他面临驾驶考试,紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。
- Prop the door open with a brick. 用砖块撑门使其开著。