- Leaner hogs brought a better price, so the industry had an incentive to breed pigs with less fat. 因为瘦肉可以卖的好价钱,所以该行业有了培育低脂肪猪种的动力。
- Rapid economic growth and a desire to modernise agriculture is stimulating demand for pork and high-quality breeding pigs. 飞速增长的经济以及实现农业现代化的强烈愿望,刺激着国内市场对猪肉及优质种猪的需求。
- While developing breeding chickens, CTG also establishes great-grandparent breeding pig farm and develops pig-raising. 在发展肉种鸡的同时,集团还进行蛋鸡饲养,并开办了祖代种猪场,发展养猪业。
- Scientific feed and breed will ensure the piggery to provide qualified Sige Father and Mother breeding pig to customers. 进行科学的饲养与繁殖,保证为用户提供合格的斯格父母代种猪。
- The aquiculture yield of YueYang ranks top in Hunan province, it is also famous for the high quality breeding pig, fruit, tea and no pollution vegetables. 以水稻、棉花、油菜种植为主。水产品产量居湖南首位。
- The 4th, a mountainous area raised local breed pig asks to undertake closedown seed selection rises, do not answer to fall into disuse blindly. 第4,山区饲养的地方品种猪要求进行闭锁选育提高,不应盲目淘汰。
- Municipal 5: Greenhouse nectarine precocious high-yielding projects, priority species breeding pigs technology, agro-ecological park construction, diamond tools honed finishing technology. 市级5个:大棚油桃早熟高产项目,优种生猪养殖技术,农业生态园建设,金刚石刀具磨练精加工技术。
- In the present war conditions all organizations, schools and army units must make great efforts to grow vegetables, breed pigs, collect firewood, make charcoal, expand handicrafts and raise part of their own grain supply. 一切机关学校部队,必须于战争条件下厉行种菜、养猪、打柴、烧炭、发展手工业和部分种粮。
- In this research,the swine sera from part breeding pig plants in Sichuan province were collected,and the sero-antibody of PPV was detected by LAT. The result shows that the average positive rate is56%,and the highest is93%,the lowest is14.71%. 采用乳胶凝集抗原;对我省部分种畜(猪)场的猪血清进行了猪细小病毒病血清抗体检测;结果显示;平均阳性率为56%25;其中阳性率最高达93%25;最低为14.;71%25。
- The stench filling the air outside the Good Breeding pig farm in an otherwise bucolic mid-autumn day on Beijing's rural outskirts is the best news Li Yongqiang has had for nearly a year. 在一个本应有着田园诗般意境的秋日里,北京郊区的好饲养(GoodBreeding)养猪场散发着扑鼻的臭气,而这是李永强(音译)近一年来最大的好消息了。
- new American-line original breeding pigs 新美系原种猪
- No SNP was found in the fifth and the sixth exon of PIT-1 gene in these three breeds pigs, and one SNP was found in the fourth exon. 3个猪种PIT、-1基因的第五和第六外显子中均未发现SNP;
- An Outbreak of Pseudorabies in a Breeding Pig Farm 种猪场暴发猪伪狂犬病
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。
- The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。
- Pigs are grubbing around in the bushes. 猪在树丛中乱拱。
- Of this breed we can make short shrift. 这个品种,我们能很快解决。
- The pigs fetched a good price at the market. 那些猪在市场上卖了好价钱。
- Spaniel is a breed of dog with large ears. 西班牙猎狗是一种长着大耳朵的猎狗。