- Brazil drew against Spain. 巴西队与西班牙队战平。
- Italy has been drawn against Spain in the first round. 第一轮比赛的抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。
- China drew against Brazil. 中国队和巴西队打成平局。
- Ole Gunnar Solskjaer made his first international appearance in over two years as Norway claimed a 1-1 draw against Brazil on Wednesday night. 周二晚,索尔斯科亚在时隔两年后参加了第一场国家队比赛。挪威与巴西1:1战平。
- Brazil was coming off a below-average outing in the1-0 win over Croatia, and can secure first place in Group F with a draw against Japan on Thursday. 上一场巴西队以1比0的低比分赢了克罗地亚,并且以F组稳居第一的位置将于下周二对抗日本队。
- Liverpool have an away draw against Manchester United. 利物浦队抽的签是在客场与曼彻斯特联队进行比赛。
- We lost to Germany, we drew against Wales, so we need to win the next one. 我们输给了德国,又战平了威尔士,所以我们需要赢下下一个对手。”
- After coming into the tournament unbeaten in 2006, they slumped to a 4-0 defeat against Spain. 在预选赛12场比赛中仅输一场的乌克兰队来到了世界杯以后居然以0比4惨败给西班牙。
- However, because of the war against Spain, during her later phase, the status of treasury got worser. 但是由于与西班牙战争耗资巨大,在她晚期执政的岁月里,国库状况不佳。
- "I want to play against Stevie in the World Cup final," he added. "England against Spain in the final would be special. “我需要在世界杯决赛对决史蒂芬,”他补充,“在决赛英格兰对决西班牙将会是特别的对决。”
- Dong is likely to come up against Reds team-mate Anderson in Beijing as China have been drawn against Brazil, New Zealand and Belgium in Group C. 董有可能在北京对抗曼联队友安德森;因为中国将要对抗同样被分在C组的巴西、新西兰和比利时.
- And with one eye on Anglo-Irish relations,he also had words of encouragement for Ireland following their penalty shoot-out heartbreak against Spain. 看在英格兰和爱尔兰的关系上,布莱尔在西班牙点球淘汰爱尔兰之后还不忘言语勉励爱尔兰队几句。
- And with one eye on Anglo-Irish relations, he also had words of encouragement for Ireland following their penalty shoot-out heartbreak against Spain. 看在英格兰和爱尔兰的关系上,布莱尔在西班牙点球淘汰爱尔兰之后还不忘言语勉励爱尔兰队几句。
- Mourinho also said captain John Terry was ready to start for England against Spain on Wednesday after being out since December following back surgery. 同时,穆里尼奥表示,在去年12月接受了背部手术以后特里已经摆脱了伤病的困扰,并且已经为英格兰与西班牙在周三的比赛做好了准备。
- Russian champion Semberas will miss the Lithuanian national team's FIFA World Cup qualifier against Spain tonight due to strained knee ligaments. 同时他也将缺席拉脱维亚对西班牙的世界杯外围赛。
- Owen then decided not to play for England against Spain, because he wanted to focus on Bayern's game against Arminia Bielefeld. 欧文又决定不参加英格兰对阵西班牙的比赛,因为他更关心拜仁与比勒菲尔德的生死大战。
- England's qualification hopes took a knock late last year with a draw against FYR Macedonia and defeat in Croatia. 英格兰队的晋级资格的希望被在上一年打平FYR马其顿和败给克罗地亚后受到打击。
- His snarling temper caused him to be taken off by Sven-Goran Eriksson during England's friendly against Spain in November 2004. 他火爆的性子让他在2004年和西班牙的友谊赛中被埃里克森半道换下。
- The ball-winner made his 300th appearance with Milan in the Champions League 0-0 draw against Lille in September. 9月份那场0-0战平里尔的冠军联赛的比赛,是这位冠军级为米兰第300次出场。
- This year on clay, Kafelnikov lost both matches in a Davis Cup series against Spain and was beaten in the first round at the Estoril Open. 在今年的土场比赛中,卡费尔尼科夫戴维斯杯上两败于西班牙,艾斯托里尔公开赛上首轮即遭淘汰。