- Brain motor cortex 脑运动区
- These neurons normally work to shut off excitatory signals from the motor cortex, the part of the brain that dictates movement. 纹状体是深藏于脑中的一个区域,属于基底核的一部份(参见上方插图)。
- They then implanted sensors in each monkey's dorsal premotor cortex, a part of the brain that tells the motor cortex what to do. 然后在猴子的背侧前运动皮层移植传感器。背侧前运动皮层是大脑中给运动皮层发指令的部位。
- New advances in the pharmacological and surgical treatment of neurologic diseases (eg. botulinum toxin therapy , deep brain stimulation, motor cortex stimulation,etc), and future development of cellular restorative therapy. 包括神经疾病药物及手术治疗的最新进展(如肉毒杆菌素治疗、深部脑刺激术、脑部运动皮质刺激术等),及神经再生治疗的未来发展。
- These are example exam questions from the motor cortex section of the course. 以下是本课程中运动皮层部分的测试样题。
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS)) is one of the motor neural diseases, which selectively affects motor neurons in the anterior horn of spinal-cord, and the motor nuclei of brainstem and the pyramidal cells in the motor cortex of brain. 肌萎缩侧索硬化症(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)属运动神经元病的一种,该病选择性损害脊髓前角运动神经细胞、脑干颅神经运动神经核细胞、以及大脑运动皮质锥体细胞。
- Preliminary studies suggest that stimulation of the motor cortex enhances motor recovery after stroke. 初步研究表明运动皮质的刺激增强卒中后的运动康复。
- Delgado showed that stimulation of the motor cortex could elicit specific physical reactions, such as movement of the limbs. 戴尔嘎多的实验显示,刺激病人的运动皮质会引起特定身体反应,好比肢体的动作。
- The localizationsof cerebral motor cortex fall down the finger regions of both sides. 脑运动皮层定位显示为双侧手指运动区。
- As predicted, patients without phantom-limb pain showed activity in the hand area of the motor cortex. 正如所预期的,没有幻肢疼痛的病人在控制手部的运动皮层表现活跃。
- Those with pain lacked this visual feedback system, and showed no activity in the sensory or motor cortex. 感觉到疼痛的人却没有这样的视觉回馈系统,而且在感觉和运动皮层都没有活动。
- Georgopoulos, A.P., R.E.Kettner, and A.B.Schwartz."Primate Motor Cortex and Free Arm Movements to Visual Targets in Three-Dimensional Space. 灵长类运动皮质和三维空间中,对于视觉目标的自由手臂运动.
- Objective To explore the methods and operative effect of motor cortex stimulation for treating intractable thalamic pain. 目的探讨运动区皮质刺激治疗顽固性丘脑痛的手术方法及效果。
- In 12 of the 15, the cells in the motor cortex adjacent to the cell phone showed excitability during phone use but returned to normal within an hour. 结果发现,15人中有12个人在通话时其接近手机的大脑皮层内的细胞处于活跃状态,一个小时之内又恢复了正常。
- Method We used the intracortical microstimuli (ICMS) to localize motor cortex function, then injected reverse fluorescent trace FB and DY to cingulated cortex. 方法在对大脑皮质运动区进行机能定位的基础上,将逆行性示踪标记物荧光蓝(FB)或荧光黄(DY)注入到扣带回,观察投射到扣带回的神经元的分布。
- The motor tracts whose axons descend from each primary motor cortex in the contralateral dorsolateral spinal cord; they control the muscles of the distal limbs. 起源于大脑初级运动皮质区并下传至对侧脊髓背侧区的运动神经束,其功能为控制远端肢体的肌肉。
- Methods Using epileptic rat model induced by bemegride, the level of NO and the activity of SOD were measured in rat cerebral motor cortex during and only after seizures. 方法通过美解眠诱发致痫的大鼠模型,分别取癫痫发作时及癫痫发作刚停止时的大脑运动区皮质,匀浆后测定NO的含量和SOD活力。
- The first approach is based on the use of protocols of stimulation that increase cortical excitability, targeting the hemisphere in which the stroke occurred in order to enhance the output of the motor cortex and the response to physiotherapy. 第一种方法是建立在刺激能够增强皮质的兴奋性这样的刺激设计应用,目标是卒中发生侧半球,来增强运动皮质的输出和对理疗的应答。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- The forms of perceptual and motor learning that can occur without conscious recollection are mediated in part by contractions and expansions of representations in the sensory and motor cortex. 无意识回忆时感知与运动的学习形式能够出现,某种程度上通过感知与运动皮层的收缩和扩张表现来调节。