- Bracts cuspidate at apex. 苞片骤尖的在先端。
- free tepal emarginate and shortly cuspidate at apex. 离生花被片微缺和短骤尖的在先端。
- Nectaries 2--3 mm; style lobes 2--3 mm; bracts not cirrose at apex. 蜜腺2--3毫米;花柱裂片2--3毫米;苞片而不是有卷须的在先端。(18
- Anthers basifixed, thecae parallel, not confluent at apex; bracts 2, forming a globose to ovoid involucre. 花药基着,囊平行,不汇合的在先端;苞片2,形成一球状到卵球形总苞。(45
- Leaves cuspidate or shortly caudate at apex, yellow-green to dark green, mostly somewhat tomentose abaxially, margin often coarsely serrate. 叶骤尖的或短尾状在先端,黄绿色对深绿色,有点多数背面,边缘通常有粗锯齿的。(7
- Anthers dorsifixed, thecae divaricate, confluent at apex; bracts 2, not forming an involucre, rarely up to 7 and whorled, 1, or absent. 花药背着,囊极叉开,汇合的在先端;苞片2,不形成一总苞,和轮生的可达7的很少,1,或无。(46
- Capsule trigonous, ca. 2 mm, hirsutulous at apex. 三棱的蒴果,约2毫米,具微糙硬毛在先端。
- Sepals not aristate at apex, persistent. 萼片并非具芒的在先端,宿存。
- Carpophore deeply bifid at apex. 果瓣柄在先端2深裂。
- Utricles ovoid, 1.5-2 mm, circumscissile at apex. 胞果卵形体,1.;5-2毫米,周裂的在先端。
- Capsule fusiform, dehiscent at apex. 蒴果纺锤形,在先端开裂。
- Pseudostaminodes indistinctly dentate at apex. 假退化雄蕊不清楚的有齿的在先端。
- Nutlets ovoid, triquetrous, subtruncate at apex. 小坚果卵圆形,三棱,近截形的在先端。
- Petals galeate at apex, sparsely papillose. 花瓣盔状在先端,疏生。
- Stylodes 2, reduced to nectaries at apex of ovary. 退化花柱2,在子房的顶端变为蜜腺。
- Utricles convex abaxially, plane or slightly concave adaxially; rostra 1/8-1/5 length of kernel; seed adherent to pericarp; leaves and bracts acute but not acicular at apex. 胞果凸背面,正面的平面或者稍凹;喙1/8-1/5段珠心;种子附着于果皮;叶和苞片锐尖但不是针状的在先端。
- Or would it have been remained at apex of pain without exit? 还是滞留在痛苦的顶点,没有出路?
- Carpophore bifid at apex, cleft up to 1/2 of its length. 果瓣柄2裂的在先端,半裂达1/2长度。
- Utricles convex on both sides; rostra nearly equal to length of kernel; seed free from pericarp; leaves and bracts acicular to spinulose at apex. 胞果凸的两面;喙差不多等于珠心的长度;种子离生的果皮;对具微刺的在先端针状的叶和苞片。
- Capsules ellipsoid, ca. 1 cm, shortly rostrate at apex, 1-seeded. 蒴果椭圆形,长约1厘米,先端具短喙,1种子。