- A. Salaries matter. Would you rather pay Boris Diaw$4.6 million for two years or Ben Wallace$60 million for four? 大意是说:工资的问题。你是愿意给迪奥2年460万,还是本?莱士4年6千万呢?
- Personally, it was a difficult evening; like your friend and French teammate, Boris Diaw you were not in luck. 对你个人来说,这是个艰难的夜晚,你的运气并不好,就像你的好朋友兼法国队友Boris Diaw一样。
- The Suns have a number a solid role players like forwards Grant Hill, Boris Diaw and Matt Barnes. 太阳队还有为数不少的强悍的角色球员,像是前锋有魔鬼山希尔、波里斯-迪奥,还有马特-巴恩斯。
- Phoenix's Boris Diaw knows Dallas center Diop from crossing paths in Senegal, Diop's native country where Diaw's father is from and now lives. 太阳的鲍里斯·迪奥知道小牛中锋迪奥普,因为他们两个的生活轨迹在塞内加尔有交叉。那里是迪奥普的祖国,也是迪奥父亲的老家和现在的住处。
- But Wednesday night training, he was careful not to poke teammate Boris Diaw hurt the eyes, and thus the absence of a Thursday training. 但是在周三晚上训练时,他不小心被队友迪奥戳伤了眼睛,并因此缺席了周四的训练。
- The game had no business going into OT as the Bobcats missed seven of eight free throws and Boris Diaw missed a layup late in the fourth quarter. 如果山猫没有罚失八个罚球中的七个,或者第四节布鲁斯没有上篮迟了,这场比赛是不会进入加时的。
- Phoenix traded Boris Diaw, Raja Bell and Sean Singletary to Charlotte earlier that day, so it had just eight players available. 在那场比赛前,太阳队把迪奥、贝尔和肖恩交易到了山猫队,所以那场比赛太阳队只有8名球员对阵湖人。
- But when Boris Diaw (23 points, nine rebounds, nine assists) made a three-pointer to tie the score at 103-103, Bryant dropped his head and pursed his lips. 但迪奥(本场比赛他得到23分;9篮板和9次助攻)命中一记三分;让双方战成103平;科比垂下了脑袋撮起嘴巴.
- At Los Angeles, Boris Diaw had 23 points, nine rebounds and nine assists, and reserve Shannon Brown scored five of his 14 points in the second overtime for Charlotte. 在洛杉矶,鲍里斯得了23分,9个篮板球,9次助攻,香农布朗在和夏洛特第二次对决中投了5次球得了14分.
- In between, Kerr shook the team's core up by trading Boris Diaw, Raja Bell and Sean Singletary to Charlotte for Jason Richardson, Jared Dudley and a 2010 second-round draft pick. 在这期间,Kerr为确立球队核心把BorisDiaw,RajaBell和SeanSingletary交易到山猫队,并换来了JasonRichardson,JaredDudley和一个2010年第二轮的选秀权。
- BK was so determined not to miss out on Joe that he was willing to work a sign-and-trade with Phoenix, giving them a couple of first-rounders and Boris Diaw. 总经理比利-奈特的决定做得很坚决,他知道一定不能错失乔-约翰逊,他最后很乐意地跟太阳队做了一个先签后换的交易,把几个首轮的选秀权和波里斯-迪奥送到了太阳队。
- The Bobcats are 18-26 this season but are 11-10 since they acquired Boris Diaw, Raja Bell and Sean Singleton from the Phoenix Suns for Jason Richardson and Jared Dudley on Dec. 10. 山猫队本赛季18胜26负,但是自从他们用杰森-理查德和达德利换来了太阳队的伯瑞斯-迪奥,拉加贝尔以及西恩-辛格特里后,他们的战绩是11胜10负。
- It was a busy day for the Suns, who acquired Jason Richardson, Jared Dudley and a second-round pick from the Charlotte Bobcats for Boris Diaw, Raja Bell and rookie guard Sean Singletary. 这对于太阳来说是忙碌的一天,他们他们用鲍里斯-迪奥,拉加-贝尔和西恩-辛格特里换来了贾森-理查德森,杰拉德-杜德利,还有一个山猫的次论选秀权。
- Boris Diaw 博伊斯·迪奥
- But the case of Boris Onishenko had no controversy. 可鲍里斯·俄尼生科事件却是无可争议的。
- When Boris left school, he could not find a job. 鲍瑞斯离开学校后,没能找到工作。
- When Boris left school,he could not find a job. 鲍瑞斯离开学校后,没能找到工作。
- We watched Boris recording a song. 我们看着波瑞斯录一首歌。
- Q:What were Tony and Boris like in high school? 帕克和迪奥在高中的表现怎么样?
- Boris: My friend Benny is moving in. 伯里斯:我朋友班尼要搬进来了。