- Abstract: The abrasion and scuffing behaviour of Ni-base spray-welded coating containing WC by oxygen-acetylene was studied and compared with those of boride layer using a MM200 wear tester. 文摘:利用MM200型磨损试验机研究了氧-乙炔焰镍基碳化钨喷熔层的磨粒磨损和抗咬合特性,并与硼化物层进行了比较。
- The abrasion and scuffing behaviour of Ni-base spray-welded coating containing WC by oxygen-acetylene was studied and compared with those of boride layer using a MM200 wear tester. 利用MM200型磨损试验机研究了氧-乙炔焰镍基碳化钨喷熔层的磨粒磨损和抗咬合特性,并与硼化物层进行了比较。
- Result shows: there are twin in the boride layer and dislocation network in ferrite of the trasitional region; distance between lamellae of pearlite is reduced and some cementites are broken. 结果表明,磨损表层的硼化物中产生孪晶和层错,过渡区的铁素体中产生位错网,珠光体片层间距变小,部分渗碳体碎化。
- The boride layers on different carbon steels have been extracted by etching in 18% HCl water solution and observed under SEM. 采用盐酸溶液腐蚀方法直接举取不同碳钢表面的硼化物层,在扫描电镜下观察其立体形貌。
- The results showed that the boriding layer is even,and has less brittleness. 结果表明渗层组织致密、脆性低、硬度梯度平缓;
- Keywords Boride layer;Brittleness;Control;Polybasic boronizing; 硼化物层;脆性;控制;多元渗硼;
- The difference between tooth-like borided layer and lumpish or granular borided layer by means of wear compar... 结果表明:梳齿状渗层的耐磨性优于块粒状渗层的耐磨性,而块粒状渗层的耐蚀性却优于梳齿状渗层的耐蚀性。
- There isn’t an apparent rich carbon zone under boriding layer for low and middle carbon steels in microwave treatment. 微波渗硼的低、中碳钢渗层中没有明显宽度的富碳区。
- By examinations of metallograph, microhardness, X-ray diffraction, the author determines the boriding layer's microstructure and hardness curve. 该低温渗硼剂能较好地实现低温渗硼,渗硼层呈梳齿状,致密、疏松孔洞少,硼化物前沿没有明显的过渡区,也无明显的富碳区;
- Keywords Mechanical property;Surface technology;Boride layer;Yielding; 力学性能;表面处理;渗硼层;屈服;
- The results show that the better boronizing layer on the surface of steel can be obtained by using the boronizing supply agent,and RE can improve the quality of boriding layer. 结果表明:采用该渗硼剂可使钢件表面获得较好的渗硼层,且稀土可以提高渗层的质量。
- This paper also discussed the relationship between the“tree-wheel”growing mode and the common boriding layer form which is at a right angle to the surface of sample. 同时着重分析了这种“年轮”式生长特征与光镜组织中硼化物呈现出垂直于样品表面直插入基体的形态的相互关系。
- In this paper, the special heat and microwave effect of microwave to some materials absorbing it were utilized to prepare the boriding layer on the surface of steels. 本文利用微波对某些吸收微波的物质具有特殊的加热作用和微波效应等特点来进行钢铁表面渗硼层的制备。
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 这一岩层中有大量燧石。
- The inner layer of the wall of a spore. 孢子内壁孢子壁的内层
- Effect of Decreasing the Eigen-Brittleness of Boride Layer on Its Abrasion Wear Behavior 降低渗硼层本质脆性对其磨粒磨损特性的影响
- There is a fine layer of dust on the desk. 桌子上有一层薄薄的尘土。
- Study on the Abrasion Behaviour of 65Mn Steel by Convenient Heat Treatment and 45 Steel Boride Layer 常规处理65Mn钢与45钢硼化物层的磨粒磨损性能研究
- Borided layers on the surface of Armco iron and eutectoid carbon Steel were eutectified in furnace and then scanned continuously with laser beam of high power densities. 工业纯铁与共析碳钢表面渗硼层先在炉中处理,以获得共晶组织,然后以高能密度激光束扫描;
- The effect of borided layer at low temperature on wear resistance and brittleness of borided layer for steel 45 was studied by means of wear test, brittleness test and anode polarization measurement. 通过磨损试验、脆性试验和阳极极化曲线的测试,研究了低温渗硼对钢渗硼层耐磨性、脆性和耐蚀性的影响。