- Histiocytosis X always had multiple bone lesions with osteolytic character. 此病常见有多处骨骼同时发生骨质溶解之病变。
- Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell neoplasm with osteolytic bone lesion. 摘要多发性骨髓瘤是一种蚀骨性的浆细胞肿瘤,而成骨性病灶是较罕见的。
- Spinal bone lesions sudden tenderness Obviously, the sciatic nerve can tenderness. 病变脊柱骨突压痛明显,坐骨神经可有压痛。
- Although rare, multiple myeloma should be included in the differential diagnosis of osteosclerotic bone lesions. 因此,在遇骨硬化病灶时,仍应将较罕见的多发性骨髓瘤放入鑑别诊断。
- The examination has confirmed the diagnosis of a tibia-tarsal lesion and the absence of any bone lesions. 检查结果证明了最初的诊断,迪达仅仅是踝关节损伤而没有骨骼受伤。
- Emphasis has been placed on the value of SEM as an anthropologist's tool in bone lesion injuries. 着重强调扫描电镜(SEM)在骨外伤鉴定中,具有重要的使用价值。
- Results:Bone lesion was well demonstrated stereoscopically by SSD, and could be viewed from any desired plane by MPR. 结果:SSD很好地立体展现了骨病变,MPR可从任意平面观察并能进行位置调整。
- Conclusion:BGP and DPD could be considered as sensitive markers in reflecting bone lesions in MM,and DPD might be used to predict therapeutic response. 结论:BGP和DPD有可能用作了解MM骨损害程度和评价病情的较敏感指标,动态测定DPD的变化将有助于判断MM的临床疗效。
- Alberto Gilardino worked in the pool today. Milan's medical staff have excluded any possibility of a bone lesion. 阿尔贝托.;吉拉迪诺今天在水池中进行了恢复锻炼,米兰队医已经排除了骨头受损的可能。
- A disturbance in which bone that is undergoing lysis is replaced by an abnormal proliferation of fibrous tissue resulting in bone lesions or skin lesions. 本该衰退的骨纤维组织发育异常旺盛。
- Langerhans' cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a proliferative histiocytosis disorder.The clinical severity of LCH ranges from fatal disorders to isolated bone lesions. 摘要组织细胞增生症是一种罕见的疾病,临床严重度从致命到只有单一骨病灶。
- Irradiation or surgical resection of one or several osteosclerotic bone lesions may improve the polyneuropathy or may even lead to a complete remission of all symptoms. 一个或多个部位骨硬化损害的放疗或手术切除可能改善多发性神经病变,甚至引起本病完全缓解。
- Osteoblastic bone lesion is rare, and patients frequently present with anemia, renal insufficiency, bone pain and impaired immunity. 病患常以贫血,肾功能不全,骨头疼痛及免疫不全来表现。
- Objective To provide a series of surgical approaches fortreatment of talus neck fracture, ischemic necrosis of talus body, and other bone lesions in ankle and foot. 目的为治疗距骨颈骨折、距骨体缺血性坏死和踝、足部其它骨质病损提供系列术式。
- Results:Most of the cases presented hepatosplenomegaly,premature delivery,low birth weight,cutaneous lesions,pneumonia,cardiac muscle lesion and bone lesion,anemia etc. 结果:38例早期胎传梅毒患儿中,大多数临床表现为肝脾肿大、早产、低出生体重、皮肤损害、肺炎、心肌损害以及骨骼损害、贫血等,少数并发多系统器官功能衰竭;
- Small-animal single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography imaging identified metastatic bone lesions targeted by a radiolabeled antibody. 小动物单光子发射计算机体层摄影术/计算体层摄影术通过一个放射学抗体鉴定了转移的骨损伤。
- Objective To explore the relationship between bone lesion and serum level of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in multiple myeloma (MM). 目的探讨多发性骨髓瘤(MM)患者骨损害程度与肝细胞生长因子(HGF)血清浓度的关系。
- Conclusion: Besides the classic pentads, bone lesion, edema and papilloedema should be included into the diagnostic criteria. 结论:除传统的5个临床特征外,骨骼损害、水肿、和视乳头水肿等亦应为该病的临床诊断特征。
- Solitary bone lesion of LCH has a good prognosis.We present a case of a 12-year-old girl who suffered from progressive pain over the right proximal clavicle. 本病例是一位12岁小女孩觉得右边锁骨处疼痛情况与日俱增,后来病灶有肿胀和局部红热的情形,怀疑是骨髓炎。
- Rarely, metastases from a small thyroid cancer may lead to presenting complaints due to lymph node enlargement, pulmonary symptoms, or a destructive bone lesion. 小甲状腺癌转移可能导致一些因淋巴结增大、肺部症状或破坏性骨损所致的症状,但这种情况较罕见。