- Boiler heat load 锅炉热负荷
- Moreover, superheat will last a shorter time with the heat load increasing. 其次,热流密度越大,过热时间维持的越短;
- The resulting system has an even heat loading. 这样的系统有均匀的热负荷。
- To realize the optimization of sootblowing, some research is done on the theories and methods about the on-line monitoring of fouling and slagging on utility boiler heat surfaces. 为了实现锅炉受热面的吹灰优化,本文主要研究了电站燃煤锅炉受热面灰污状态在线实时监测的理论与方法。
- An innovative humidification system allows a high relative humidity even with a heat load. 独创性的加湿系统即便在有热载荷时,也能提供高的相对湿度。
- From magnetic fields in PF coils of EAST expressed as elliptic integrals, the heat load of PF coils during plasma discharge is determined. 摘要通过求解椭圆积分,计算了EAST极向场系统的磁场分布,从而计算出极向场线圈在等离子体放电过程中的热负荷。
- These methods have been used in the actual airplane cabin thermal process and heat load tests successfully. 这些方法已成功地应用于飞机座舱热载荷和热特性试验中。
- Abstract: Reformation of medium, mini-scale boiler by means of single-chip computer can both heighten boiler heat efficiency to save energy, and make vapour pressure stable to implement safe moving and automatical control. 文摘:利用单片微机改造中小型工业锅炉,既能提高锅炉热效率,达到节能效果,又能使蒸汽压力稳定,运行安全可靠,实现控制自动化。
- To decrease the radiation heat load of the cryopanel is conside red to be necessary for the design of cryopumps. 减小低温板的辐射热负荷是低温泵设计中的关键问题。
- Reformation of medium, mini-scale boiler by means of single-chip computer can both heighten boiler heat efficiency to save energy, and make vapour pressure stable to implement safe moving and automatical control. 利用单片微机改造中小型工业锅炉,既能提高锅炉热效率,达到节能效果,又能使蒸汽压力稳定,运行安全可靠,实现控制自动化。
- DL tray can reduce the heat load of the first absorption tower and reduce the addition amount of reflux ammonia. 通过对DL型塔盘的应用介绍,降低一吸塔的热负荷,以达到减小回流氨添加量,便于高负荷下一吸塔的操作,最终达到提高氨加工能
- The boiler continuous blowdown flow is one of the measurements which must be made for online performance monitoring of power plant,and has a direct impact on the calculation of boiler heat absorption. 锅炉连排流量是电厂在线性能监测中一项必须测量的项目,对计算锅炉侧吸热量影响较大。
- Range of experiments:- (1) Heat load, 4 = 4,000 40,000 kcal/m2:hr:(C) (2) Operating pressure, p = 200 760 mm.Hg. (3) Compositions ... 对组成和压力对给热系数的影响作了探讨,最后并以准数方程式来归纳实验结果,提出可供计算用的经验公式及准数方程式。
- This paper introduced the advantages of fireproof fiber spray-appied coating,and the applied affectiueness in heating furnace of rendering and boiler heat insulation. 本文简要介绍了耐火纤维喷涂工艺的优点和特点,在炼油装置加热炉、锅炉保温领域的实际应用效果。
- On the base of design for new fighter planes, a method for calculating and simulating transient heat load for cabins has been proposed. 以我国新一代战斗机的研制为背景,提出了高精度的飞机座舱瞬态热载荷的计算与仿真方法。
- In this paper, there are circuit design and software scheme the intelligent controller based on singlechip of the electrothermal boiler heating system. 文中给出了基于单片机的电热锅炉智能控制器的硬件电路设计和系统的软件实现方案,并进行了模型算法仿真。
- The common solution is sootblowing, which is an effective method to clean fouling and enhance boiler heating surfaces performance. 在锅炉运行中,吹灰是清除灰污和保持锅炉受热面传热性能的一种有效手段。
- Effects of such parameters as system pressure, sub-cooling, and pressure loss on flow excursion characteristics and transport capability of heat load are also delivered. 讨论了系统压力、欠热度、阻力等参数对运行稳定性及输热能力限的影响。
- The curves considered various conditions, including the forced velocity of air, the air temperature, scale thermoresistance in pipe and condenser heat load. 并且分析了管内污垢热阻对凝汽器压力的影响,画出了影响曲线。
- From the tests results of the system startup, it is found that heat load will cause a superheat state and at the outlet of the evaporator with a pressure shake of the whole loop. 在对该系统进行研究过程中发现,当启动蒸发器热负荷时,在蒸发段出口将产生明显的过热现象,并且有较大的压力脉。